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Container port bungkutoko
Container port bungkutoko

By: Syaiful)*

Bungkutoko container port development in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi (Sulawesi) still continues. Projects undertaken since since 2009 has carried out in four stages, it has sucked around Rp.113 billion budget and targeted for completion in the coming 2019. Ports 2019 Ports Already Operational Targets Bungkutoko Bungkutoko

Manager of PT Pelindo IV, Abdul PADU said, after holding a meeting of EIA in Jakarta, it targets the next April bungkutoko port EIA has been completed and will soon be auctioned off to the contractor to undertake the construction of the port. Meanwhile, the budget is disbursed by the government to the construction of a container port Bungkutoko reach Rp.9.35 billion. Very large funds were taken from the State Capital Printing (PMN). Construction of the project itself, the first ditahap of 2009 amounted to IDR 25 billion, two-year phase 2010 of Rp.20 billion and the third stage in 2011 Rp38 billion and Rp.30 billion four stages.

)* the author is a Sulawesi regional contributor

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