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Chairman of MPR RI Proposed Budget Fund for Pondok Pesantren Indonesia


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia, Zulkifli Hasan, attended the big family gathering of Pondok Pesantren Cintawana to commemorate the 100th anniversary. The event that was held on the theme “Unlimited Serving Santri” was in Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, West Java.

In addition to Zulkifli, the event was also attended by the Leaders of Pondok Pesantren Cintawana Ahmad Suja’i Farid, Rector of UNISMA Bekasi Nandang Najmulminir, Tasikmalaya Regent Ruzhanul Ulum, number of members of Parliament Tasikmalaya, representatives of the Japanese association named Ai Maryam, and Azul as representatives of the Singapore association.

When delivering his speech, Zulkifli encouraged the students and students of Pondok Pesantren Cintawana to continue to gain knowledge and to gain knowledge. The man who is familiarly called Zul also tells about his education and career career.

Zulkifli himself took the field of study of Religious Teacher Education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Bandar Lampung for six years. His career in politics began with the House of Representatives. At that time, Zulkifli served as a member of the House of Representatives with the period 2004-2009.

In 2014, he served as Minister of Forestry. After that, then Zulkifli served as Chairman of the MPR RI for the period 2014-2019.

Zulkifli conveyed therefore, we as a child boarding school should be proud. We are not only get science as in public schools, but also the science of religion.

After the welcome speech session, the event continued with the socialization of the four pillars of the MPR RI which was associated with the theme of the event, namely “Unlimited Serving Santri”. When talking about Pancasila, Zulkifli had a quiz with prizes for the santri and santriwati.

Nurul is one of the santriwati who participated in the quiz. Despite his nervous response, Zulkifli continued to reward Nurul’s courage to step onstage and answer questions.

Zulkifli explains that democracy is led by the wisdom of wisdom in deliberations of representation. What is meant is whoever the regional leader, he should be present with the community in consensus mufakat to determine a policy. As an example, it is not evicting origin, because it belongs to the split culprit.

In this visit, Zulkifli said that he would propose a budget for every boarding school in Indonesia. The value to be submitted is also equivalent to the general school budget. With the budget, Zulkifli hopes that every boarding school can improve competitiveness in order to be equal or even better than public schools.

With a firm tone Zulkifli says get rid of the differences and be a superior human resource!

With the procurement plan Budget Fund for Pondok Pesantren Indonesia, hopefully the future Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia is no longer underestimated by the public. And hopefully the plan can be realized so that boarding school able to improve competitiveness to be better than public schools. So as to produce Islamic human resources.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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