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Community Supports Task Force to Dismantle Large Online Gambling Networks


In recent years, Indonesia has faced serious challenges from the rise of online gambling practices. This phenomenon not only damages the social and moral order of society, but also has a negative impact on the country’s economy and security. Large online gambling networks that operate in a sophisticated and hidden manner have ensnared many victims from various levels of society. To overcome this problem, serious and coordinated efforts are needed from various parties. The formation of a special Task Force (Task Force) to dismantle and eradicate large online gambling networks is the right step and must be supported by all elements of society.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK)/Deputy Chair of the Online Gambling Eradication Task Force, Muhadjir Effendy, said the government is committed to eradicating online gambling and invites all religious leaders and the public to remind each other, inform and report if there are indications of online gambling.
Online gambling, with all its ease of access, has become a real threat to Indonesian society. By just using a smartphone and an internet connection, anyone can connect to online gambling sites. This makes online gambling more accessible compared to conventional gambling. As a result, more and more people are becoming entangled in this practice, from teenagers to adults. Online gambling is often used as a shortcut to get money quickly, without realizing the big risks that lurk, such as addiction, debt and psychological problems.
The special task force formed to eradicate online gambling has a very vital role. This task force consists of various law enforcement elements, including the police, prosecutors and other related parties. They are tasked with carrying out investigations, arrests and law enforcement against online gambling perpetrators. Apart from that, the Task Force also plays a role in educating the public about the dangers of online gambling and how to avoid it. Full support from the community is very necessary so that the Task Force can carry out its duties effectively and optimally.
Dismantling large online gambling networks requires careful strategy and sophisticated technology. Online gamblers use various methods to hide their tracks, ranging from using overseas servers, transactions using cryptocurrency, to strict data security. Therefore, the Task Force must be equipped with adequate technical and technological capabilities to be able to track and dismantle this network. International cooperation with authorities in other countries is also important, considering that many online gambling sites operate from abroad.
Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Budi Arie Setiadi, said that his party had cut off hundreds of internet routes suspected of being used for online gambling, especially to and from Cambodia and the Philippines. His party will also give a third warning letter to the Telegram instant messaging application if there is no response and is not cooperative in handling online gambling content.
Apart from enforcement, the prevention aspect is also no less important. The public will continue to be educated about the dangers of online gambling and how to avoid it. Socialization campaigns through various media, both print and electronic, must be encouraged. Education about the dangers of online gambling must also be included in the school curriculum to provide early understanding to the younger generation. Parents must also play an active role in supervising their children’s online activities and provide an understanding of the risks of online gambling.
Support from the private sector is also very much needed in eradicating online gambling. Internet service providers (ISPs) and technology companies must work with the government to block access to online gambling sites. Additionally, social media platforms and instant messaging applications must be more proactive in detecting and removing content that promotes online gambling. Good cooperation between the government and the private sector will narrow the space for online gambling players.
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Hadi Tjahjanto, said that strict legal sanctions would be given to the perpetrators and bookies involved to provide a deterrent effect. In addition to prison sentences, economic sanctions such as heavy fines and confiscation of assets can be an effective measure to break the chain of this illegal business. Consistent and indiscriminate law enforcement will show the government’s seriousness in eradicating online gambling.
Apart from that, rehabilitation for online gambling victims also needs to be considered. Many of those caught in online gambling experience serious psychological and economic problems. The government and social institutions must provide a comprehensive rehabilitation program to help them get out of the trap of online gambling and start a new, better life.
For this reason, active participation from all elements of society is very important. The public must be sensitive and brave enough to report if they know of online gambling activities in their surroundings. Public support and trust in the Task Force will be a big asset in eradicating large online gambling networks.
Thus, the formation of a special Task Force to eradicate online gambling is a strategic step that must be fully supported by all elements of society. Online gambling is not only an individual problem, but also a social problem that can damage societal order and disrupt economic stability and state security. Good collaboration between government, law enforcement, the private sector and society is the main key in winning the war against online gambling. With strong cooperation, we will create a safer, healthier and more prosperous environment for all Indonesian people.

*) The author is a student living in Bogor

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