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Appreciate the Increase in the Welfare of the Papuan People through the New Autonomous Region


By : Timothy Gobay )*

The addition of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) was carried out for the welfare of the Papuan people. With the addition of the new autonomous regions, the APBD funds will also increase, so that they can be used to develop Papua and improve the people’s economy. Therefore, all citizens on Earth Cendrawasih continue to support the 4 new autonomous regions and other government programs.

Papua is a region that has a lot of potential. But why are there still stark differences between the Cendrawasih Earth and other islands, such as Java and Sumatra? Indeed, Papua (formerly Irian Jaya) was the youngest province when it joined Indonesia, but during the New Order era there was centralization so that development in the regions was not given much attention.

During the reform era, centralization was abolished and regional autonomy rules were made. Papua has special autonomy meant for them, so they can catch up with other regions. Modernity in Papua is expected to advance the region. Then, one of the strategies to make the Cendrawasih Land more advanced is to add a new autonomous region (DOB).

Papuan welfare is the target of both the local government and the central government. The goal is that there is no inequality between eastern and western Indonesia. For the welfare of the Papua region, additional new autonomous regions will be added, so that the community will receive many facilities and conveniences.

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin said the government is trying to improve services in the Land of Papua through the new autonomous region (DOB). It is hoped that with the development of the provinces in Papua, efforts to improve service and welfare can be more focused on each region. 

The four new autonomous regions include Central Papua, Mountain Papua, Southwest Papua and South Papua Provinces. In total there are 6 provinces in Papua. With the addition of the new autonomous regions, it will improve public services, because the distance between the regional government offices and the people is closer. Papua region is too big if there are only two provinces.

Then, the existence of a new autonomous region can also improve the welfare of the Papuan people. When there are 4 new autonomous regions, it has a positive impact on the citizens of Eastern Indonesia, especially Papua. The reason is because the APBN funds are increasing. The money can be used to build Cendrawasih Earth and create equity. So that East and West Indonesia are equal and equally advanced.

Equitable distribution of development is very important and with APBN and special autonomy funds, new infrastructure will be built. Infrastructure in the form of roads is the main benefit of adding new autonomous regions and another function is to improve the economic conditions of residents. 

Ease of mobility is key because shipping merchandise is faster. In addition, these goods are sent via land, not by air, which is very expensive to send. With a good land route, it will support equitable economic development in Papua.

The business world in Papua will be brighter because of the ease in buying and sending goods. The faster the trade turnover, the better because it will move the wheels of the economy on Earth of Cendrawasih. In addition, if the shipping costs are easy (because shipping is by land, not by air), then the price of goods can also be reduced.

It’s no secret that the prices of goods in Papua are much more expensive than in Java, even in DKI Jakarta, because shipping costs are expensive. If the cost of sending via land and costs incurred is cheaper, then the price of the item can automatically be lowered. Society will be more efficient and prosperous. This is a positive domino effect from infrastructure development in Papua, which is expected by the government.

Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian stated that equitable distribution of development was the main factor in the formation of newly created regions at the eastern end of Indonesia.

Tito Karnavian added, Papua has an area almost 3 to 4 times the size of Java Island with a population of around 5 million. The size of the area is one of its own challenges in accelerating development.

Development in Papua really needs to be increased so that it is evenly distributed. So, not only big cities like Jayapura or Merauke have good infrastructure. But also other areas such as Nabire, Yahukimo, etc. Equitable development is needed so that the community can progress.

The main purpose of adding the new autonomous region is for the welfare of Papua. MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo stated that the division of regions in Papua is for the prosperity of the Papuan people, because they are part of Indonesia. 

In a sense, there is no difference between Papuans and Javanese or other ethnicities, because all have the right to progress. There will be economic growth when there is an additional new autonomous region and it can be enjoyed as a whole. But with the condition that it must be done comprehensively.

When there is an equal distribution of development, both in the provincial capital of Papua, Jayapura, with Merauke or Sorong, are equally advanced. The reason is because these areas both have adequate infrastructure, which can facilitate people’s mobility. Life there runs smoothly and is prosperous because the roads are smooth and it has buildings and other facilities that make it easier for the people.

The addition and construction of 4 new new autonomous regions in Papua have had a positive impact on the people, especially in increasing their welfare. With the new province, there will be additional APBD funds from the government that are used for infrastructure development, education, and so on. Papua will be even more advanced and the mobility of its people will be smoother.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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