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Appreciate the Sustainability of Papua’s New Autonomous Development


By: Theresia Wopari )*

The development of regional expansion through the implementation of the new autonomous region (DOB) for Papua is continuing. In order to be able to oversee all the development programs and policies, all security forces including the National Police, TNI and BIN continue to fully support so that the Indonesian Government’s decisions can be implemented and executed to the fullest by carrying out various forms of personnel preparedness.

At present it is still undergoing a process and is currently underway regarding the development of regional expansion through the new autonomous region (DOB) of Papua. In this regard, the Head of the Papua Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol) Mathius D Fakhiri explained the latest readiness, especially the security forces, to be able to continue to oversee developments in Cenderawasih Land.

With the development in Papua which has been continuously intensified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) since the era of the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who wants to change the paradigm of development so far in the country, namely that it is no longer Java-centric and not just to increase development in several areas. certain areas only.

But President Jokowi himself is very determined to be able to realize equitable development in all corners of the country so as to change the paradigm to become Indonesia-centric, in which even distribution of development will be carried out even in the most remote areas of Eastern Indonesia and also Papua.

Therefore, the Papua Regional Police are trying to continue to provide support by also carrying out the development of 3 (three) Polda in the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua. Related to this strong commitment, even the Headquarters (Mabes) of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) have sent several teams to the Papuan Police to continue to see how prepared all their personnel are in providing support for the development of Cenderawasih Earth.

It is known that the National Police Headquarters was immediately dispatched and came to the Land of Papua to see what the readiness for the formation of the Central Papua Police, the Mountains Papua Police and the South Papua Police were like.

The task of being able to help and continue to support Papua’s development is actually not just an obligation of one agency, but rather it is a form of responsibility for all parties, especially security personnel consisting of the joint forces of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Polri and the Indonesian National Police. State Intelligence (BIN).

Meanwhile, National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo also emphasized that the security forces from the joint personnel will continue to oversee all Indonesian government policies, mainly related to development in the Land of Papua including law enforcement efforts and also efforts to maintain a conducive situation in the region.

The synergy between all the security forces of the TNI, Polri and BIN is indeed very important to continue to inflame. Therefore, since the beginning, coordination and communication have been maintained with various parties, including the Central Government, local Regional Governments (Pemda) to related Ministries such as the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

When synergy, communication and coordination can be well established and maximized, this is very important to do because to be able to find out what or how things might be obstacles in the implementation of all infrastructure development programs and the development of quality human resources (HR) in Paradise Earth.

After good coordination and communication has been carried out by all security forces from the joint personnel, the next role that is really needed by the ranks of the TNI, Polri and BIN is to be able to ensure that all policies from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo are related to equitable development and also efforts to improve the welfare of all people in Papua can be escorted so that it runs optimally.

This effort is part of a series of efforts by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to truly ensure that there is an increase in the welfare of all people in the Land of Papua. of course with the presence and also the full support of all the security personnel of the joint force, everything can run smoothly and well.

For information, several Indonesian Government policies for development in the Papua region are regarding priority programs in Cenderawasih Land, namely the construction of tourist destinations, the development of urban areas and also the infrastructure of agricultural areas.

In addition to the priority development programs in Papua, there is also a Major Project, namely the construction of a Special Economic Zone (KEK) for the development of an airport (Airport), and there are also several other related programs such as regional expansion through a new autonomous region (DOB). Papua and the special assignment of health workers (Nakes) in the Papua and West Papua regions.

The security forces, starting from the National Police, TNI and BIN, are continuing to make various preparations in the form of their full support to continue to oversee all policies and programs of the Government of Indonesia so that they can run optimally and optimally for the development of Papua. This is indeed very important for contributions from all parties, because until now, development in the Papua New Guinea itself is still ongoing.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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