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Health Bill Presents Legal Protection for Health Workers, No Need to Do Demonstrations


By: Barra Dwi Rajendra )*

The draft Health Law (RUU) will be able to provide much maximum legal protection for health workers. Therefore, there is no need to plan a demonstration action to be carried out by a handful of medical professional organizations on June 14, 2023.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI), asked all health workers (Nakes) not to leave health services to the community. This appeal is in connection with plans for demonstrations to be held by a handful of medical professional organizations (OP) to reject the Omnibus Law Health Bill.

Previously, there had indeed been a threat made by a handful of health workers and doctors to hold a national strike or take a leave of service if the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) continued to have discussions on the Health Bill.

If the attempt to strike or take leave of service in order to hold a demonstration to reject the rules regarding the medical world, which are currently still in the draft discussion stage by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian Parliament, is actually carried out, it will clearly have an impact on many people in the country.

How could it not be, then with clear demonstrations accompanied by service leave, of course if it turns out that on June 14 2023, where they had planned to hold the action it turns out that the community really needs health care, it will be very difficult.

Therefore, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, dr. Mohammad Syahril asked all health workers as well as doctors not to participate in any demonstrations at all, or things that are considered to have the potential to increase provocations on the Health Bill.

Instead of getting carried away and being provoked by the many circulating incorrect rumors regarding a set of rules in the medical world, it would be better if the paramedics were able to consider very wisely what the future impact would be if they carried out the demonstration, especially obviously it would really sacrifice the interests of the wider community. access to health facilities (faskes) will be hampered.

The existence of services for all patients to be able to receive services and health facilities in a complete and optimal manner must continue to be prioritized by these medical personnel and doctors. All parties from the paramedics should also continue to remind their colleagues to always remember their oath by dedicating their lives for the benefit of humanity and will always continue to prioritize the patient’s health.

For information, one of the demands of a handful of parties who disagree and reject the existence of the Health Bill is that they think that the existence of this regulation will threaten and be able to criminalize them. This issue continues to be exhaled by parties who are completely irresponsible and are just an attempt at provocation.

The issue regarding the criminalization of health workers from the Omnibus Law Health Bill is completely untrue. Precisely with the existence of this set of rules, it will further add to the existence of new protections, including efforts from any party who wants to criminalize health workers. Precisely the intention of the Government and DPR RI with this rule is to provide maximum legal protection.

In discussing the bill with the DPR RI, the government even continues to propose that additional legal protection be provided for doctors, nurses, midwives and other health workers, especially when they provide services to the public, so that health services for the public can be far more optimal as well. .

The existence of various articles regarding legal protection is aimed of course so that there are no more legal disputes, which then in the future by referring to the Health Bill which is currently still being formulated by absorbing the aspirations of all relevant stakeholders, then later the health workers will no longer have to deal with law enforcement officials directly prior to an out-of-court settlement, including through an ethics and disciplinary hearing.

Several articles of legal protection proposed by the Government in the regulation will also increasingly provide maximum protection to students, then health workers will also eventually have the right to be able to stop services if, for example, they experience acts of violence.

In other words, the plan to carry out demonstrations on June 14 2023 actually no longer needs to be carried out. Because the Health Bill itself is very much in favor of health workers by providing far more optimal legal protection efforts.

)* The author is Angkasa Media One Contributor

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