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Prabowo-Gibran Government Committed to Realizing IKN as an Environmentally Friendly City


By: Dewi Ambara*

Indonesia is now entering a new era with the construction of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) in East Kalimantan. Led by President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka, this government has demonstrated a strong commitment to making the IKN a modern, environmentally friendly, and comfortable city to live in. This project not only represents a change in the location of the center of government, but also a major step in the nation’s transformation towards a more sustainable future.

The development of the Indonesian IKN is a project full of meaning. More than just the relocation of the center of government, the IKN is a symbol of the nation’s great transformation towards a better future. This project is designed with three main pillars: environmentally friendly, modern, and sustainable. President Prabowo emphasized that the development of the IKN must integrate local culture with advanced technology in order to create harmony between humans, the environment, and tradition.

IKN is designed with the vision of integrating local culture with cutting-edge technology. This development emphasizes three main pillars: environmental sustainability, modernity, and comfort of life. The government has made IKN a symbol of national pride as well as a model for the development of smart and environmentally conscious future cities. In its planning and implementation, a green technology and renewable energy-based approach is a top priority. This step shows the government’s seriousness in preserving nature while building efficient and livable city infrastructure.

The government involves various parties, both from the public and private sectors, in realizing this grand vision. One real contribution comes from PT Bernadi Utama, which distributes modern electric water heaters to support the comfort of apartment residents in IKN. President Director of PT Bernadi Utama, Aquinas AdiprajaRulan, stated that the company fully supports the IKN project by presenting technology that can improve the quality of life of apartment residents, especially ASN and Polri officers.

The development of the IKN also shows significant progress in various aspects. Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Affairs, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, ensured that this project will be an integrated, innovative, and environmentally friendly center of government. He also emphasized the importance of accelerating the development of core infrastructure to meet the target completion within the specified time.

Head of the IKN Infrastructure Development Implementation Task Force, Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga, expressed his confidence that the core area of ​​the government center will be completed on schedule. The progress of construction such as the State Palace and the Presidential Secretariat Building is almost complete, while other supporting facilities continue to be accelerated. He also emphasized that this development is not only a symbol of national pride, but also a more sustainable future.

As a symbol of modernization, the IKN is also designed to reflect the nation’s cultural identity. Local cultural elements of Kalimantan are integrated into the city’s design, creating harmony between tradition and modernity. The existence of 34 Cultural Totems in Plaza Bhinneka is one of the government’s efforts to maintain cultural values ​​in the development of a modern city.

Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka stated that the IKN is a long-term investment that will not only benefit the current generation, but also future generations. He emphasized the importance of an environmentally friendly approach to ensure that the city becomes a model for sustainable development at the national and international levels.

This development is not only a physical project, but also part of a legacy that will provide long-term benefits for future generations. The approach that prioritizes environmental sustainability and energy efficiency is believed to be able to make IKN a model city at the global level. The concept of a green city that is being carried is expected to be an inspiration for the development of other cities in Indonesia.

The government’s commitment to complete the construction of the IKN on time has given new hope to the community. In addition to being the center of government, the IKN is expected to be able to become a driving force for economic growth in East Kalimantan and its surroundings. The infrastructure built not only supports government activities, but also provides direct benefits to local communities through the provision of modern facilities, employment, and improved quality of life.

Optimism towards the development of the IKN is also strengthened by the support of various national figures who play an active role in ensuring the success of this project. This support can be seen from the various concrete steps that have been taken, from supervision of development to efficient allocation of resources. This development is not only a symbol of the nation’s progress, but also proof that Indonesia is able to adapt to global challenges while still respecting local values.

IKN is expected to be the center of government as well as the driving force of the economy in the surrounding areas. The infrastructure built not only supports government activities, but also provides direct benefits to the community through modern facilities, employment, and improved quality of life. With the progress that has been achieved and close collaboration between the government, private sector, and community, optimism for the success of this project continues to grow.

The Prabowo-Gibran government has shown a real commitment to making the IKN a city that is not only smart and modern, but also environmentally friendly. With various innovations implemented, the IKN is a reflection of the nation’s great ideals to achieve a better future. This project is not only about physical infrastructure, but also about building a new spirit for all Indonesian people. The IKN is a big step towards Indonesia Emas 2045, which reflects the hopes, hard work, and spirit of the nation to continue to move forward.

*The author is a Planning student

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