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The Community Supports the Relocation of the National Capital


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*

President Jokowi’s plan to move the capital city to Kalimantan has received many positive responses from the community. Because the removal of the capital city not only includes aspects of economic acceleration, but also ideological aspects in order to increase equitable development for the realization of social justice for the entire community.

The plan to relocate the capital of Indonesia some time ago was enough to make the public in an uproar. Because the capital that has been in the city of Jakarta for hundreds of years is considered impossible to do.

However, the process of determining the capital has been carried out in such a way by the Government. With a variety of long and mature planning and study processes. In addition, it certainly is already an urgent and urgent need to be done, in order to realize the ideals and interests of the entire nation and also the State.

In accordance with what had been planned, as a new capital, East Kalimantan was designed not only as a symbol of identity. Thus, the design will also be promoted with a modern, smart, and green city concept, which applies new and renewable energy, and does not depend on fossil energy which is increasingly rare and extinct.

Earlier in his state address on August 16, 2019, Indonesian President Joko Widodo requested permission from the people of Indonesia to set the Kalimantan region to be the new capital and on Monday, August 26, 2019, the name of the Province of East Kalimantan was determined as the new capital of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia.

Regarding Jokowi’s decision to relocate the capital which has long been a discourse, even since President Soekarno, is the right step. This is in accordance with Indonesia’s long-term development plans.

On the other hand, the relocation of this new capital will give the Jakarta Province a shot to be more able to polish and organize, and overcome the various problems that exist in the Metropolitan city. Besides that, the growth of various sectors in Jakarta and Java Island is still dominating. Resulting in other areas hit by jealousy.

Therefore, the development of various sectors such as economic zones outside Java, will be able to open up industrialization in the form of downstreaming of mining and plantation products, and can develop several other regions outside Java, of course, as new economic sources. So that the move of the capital city is expected to provide fair and wise equity.

Another thing that is considered quite important is regarding support. Given the effort to move the capital is not just one or two days, but it will require quite a long time with a tiring process. In this case, the people, especially the Province of East Kalimantan, must be optimistic and confident that the removal of the capital will bring a number of valuable blessings and progress to the East Kalimantan region.

Because the opportunity for equal distribution of development, such as in the frontier areas of the border, underdeveloped areas, and the outer regions of East Kalimantan will be increasingly wide open, as well as in terms of development of superior human resources, economy, investment and a number of other equal distribution sectors that need to be developed.

Regarding the establishment of East Kalimantan as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, local Governor Isran Noor stated his readiness to carry out this task and will immediately carry out various matters related to facilities and infrastructure, both infrastructure and various other facilities to support the running of the plan.

Not only the East Kalimantan region, all the people and the Archipelago are obliged to support the development of this New Capital. Various efforts to distribute welfare are also carried out by the government so that all Indonesian people are able to succeed in their own country.

Although initially the pros and cons related to this discourse occurred, but when viewed in terms of extensive land readiness, the progress that would be obtained as well as freeing Jakarta from the city tagline that was dense in crawling, this was felt to be quite a relief. All new economic activities will be easily created and bring benefits to its citizens.

It is quite possible that the construction of this new capital will further open up opportunities for Indonesia to develop and advance further. The flow of urbanization can also be well controlled. As well as cutting the tangled threads of various inequalities in the previous capital. And Jakarta will be able to tidy up into an area with ideal sophistication and modernity with a balanced population and economic system, as well as Java.

Therefore, let us rest assured that our efforts to reform the economy through the moving of a dynamic, structured and neatly planned new capital will soon be realized. So that Indonesia’s sovereign, advanced, just and prosperous goals can be achieved quickly.

)* The author is a social political observer

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