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The Indonesian Doctors’ Association Continues to Fully Support the Health Bill


By : Ananda Prameswari )*

The Indonesian Doctors Association (PDSI) continues to fully support the existence of the Omnibus Law Health Bill which is currently still being discussed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian Parliament because the entire design process has involved many parties and also for the sake of improving the quality of health services in Indonesia and also provide legal certainty for health workers.

It is known that on Monday, May 8 2023, a handful of parties staged a demonstration to reject the Health Bill (RUU). Responding to this action, the Indonesian Doctors Association (PDSI) emphasized that it still and continues to fully support the existence of this regulation which is currently being discussed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and the People’s Representative Council (DPR RI).

According to PDSI, the demonstrations that were carried out were not representative at all and it cannot be said that the votes that the demonstrators gave represented the voices of all doctors and health workers in Indonesia.

How could it not be, because the parties that demonstrated to reject the Health Bill were only a small handful, when compared to the number of parties that continued to fully support the existence of this regulation, which numbered 17 coalitions of health worker organizations including doctors, midwives, nurses, pharmacists and others. who continue to provide full support for the regulations that are still in the discussion stage.

In this regard, the Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Indonesian Doctors Association, Erfen Gustiawan Suwangto explained that the demonstrations carried out by a handful of parties actually did not need to be carried out at all. Not without reason, the article is actually the Health Bill itself actually really protects and provides legal guarantees to health workers in the country.

In fact, not only does it protect health workers more, but the existence of this regulation also protects the public by continuing to make efforts to enable an increase in the quality of health services for the public, so that there is actually no reason to refuse.

Moreover, the parties who still reject the existence of the Health Bill, in fact they are parties who still do not fully understand the good content or substance contained in the regulation.

Meanwhile, Commission IX of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) also ensures that it will continue to listen to all aspirations from all walks of life in Indonesia regarding the formation of the Health Bill (RUU) made using the Omnibus Law method.

Deputy Chairman of Commission IX DPR RI, Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena stated that precisely with the set of rules currently being discussed, it is hoped that in the future it will be able to break down and carry out reforms in health services in the country.

So far, the whole process of the discussion room is still very open to be able to receive various kinds of input from many parties, including health workers, doctors or the public in general with the aim of making health services in Indonesia even better in the future.

Some of the input itself came from professional organizations (OP), hospitals, health centers, academics and also health workers. Because indeed the Government and also the DPR RI continue to accommodate and receive input from many relevant stakeholders for the sake of improving health services.

Also included, what is an important point is how input from patients who are being treated, all complaints from them are also continuously listened to and accommodated, then everything can be formulated into the Health Bill so that of course it will be able to become the best presentation for the anniversary of RI’s independence.

The DPR RI Commission IX together with the Government also continues to always hold discussions with many other parties in discussing regulations in the world of health. Input from various elements is also very important and will have an immediate effect so that it is included in the substance of the regulation.

It should be noted that from the very beginning, even in the process of drafting the Health Bill itself, the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR has involved many parties, including leaders of professional organizations (OP) for health workers (Nakes) to the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). ).

Public hearings conducted by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia have also been held, and now in the discussion stage at Commission IX the DPR has also been invited for 2 (two) public consultations with other parties.

It cannot be denied that there are many practitioners in the medical world who continue to support the birth of the Omnibus Law Health Bill for a much greater good. Then, with the formulation of these rules, the issue of criminalization related to the profession of health workers can be overcome and also able to resolve criminal problems through internal channels before being brought to the realm of law.

Therefore, most parties continue to fully support the existence of this Health Bill, including the All Indonesian Doctors Association and many other parties.

)* The author is a Media Room Contributor

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