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Towards the 2023 AIS Forum Summit, All Parties Collaborate Synergistically


By: Aisyah Lubis)*

This year, it was chosen to host the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum Summit. As the largest archipelagic country in the world, it is hoped that through this forum, Indonesia will play a leading role in overcoming global problems related to the sea.

The AIS Forum Summit will be held in Bali from 10 to 11 October 2023. Indonesia has invited various countries that have islands and archipelagos, as well as international organizations.

The island of the gods, Bali, will be the center of world attention when Indonesia holds the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum 2023 Summit. In a series of events lasting two days, our largest archipelagic country will host more than 30 countries and various international organizations.

The main theme raised at the 2023 AIS Forum Summit is “Fostering Collaboration, Enabling Innovation for Our Ocean and Our Future” or “Fostering Collaboration, Advancing Innovation for the Ocean and a Shared Future”. The agenda for this meeting will focus attention on three important aspects that are in the world’s spotlight, namely economic development in the maritime sector, challenges faced due to climate change, and strengthening cooperation between countries that have island and archipelagic territories.

The first aspect, economic development in the maritime sector is a topic that is receiving attention because of the great potential that the maritime economy has. It is important for countries to develop their maritime sectors sustainably, taking into account the long-term interests and sustainability of marine ecosystems. Second, the challenges posed by climate change are also critical issues that need to be addressed. Mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts is an important focus in global discussions. Third, strengthening cooperation between countries that have island and archipelagic territories is a very necessary step. By working together, countries can support each other in the development of sustainable maritime economies, share knowledge and technology to protect the marine environment,

Indonesia’s involvement in the AIS Forum Summit is the result of its active role in international diplomacy related to global maritime issues. As one of the originators of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 1982 which strengthened the principle of an archipelagic state, Indonesia has long been the main initiator in various international maritime forums.

Of course, an event of this magnitude requires careful preparation, both in terms of security and in disseminating information to the public. The Ministry of Communication and Information took proactive steps by launching AISPedia, a platform that contains information, data and content related to the AIS Forum Summit. Director General of Public Information and Communication (Dirjen IKP) Kominfo, Usman Kansong, emphasized the importance of disseminating this information, considering Indonesia’s role as an initiator for island and archipelagic countries in discussing crucial issues in international forums.

According to him, AISPedia must be a trigger for the community to get involved and take a role in every international forum where Indonesia is the host. At a minimum, the public can provide support in their attitude so that the event is successful and proud. Moreover, AISPedia exists to maintain the Kominfo tradition of presenting information, data and other content in a complete, fast, credible and up-to-date manner.

Securing the area where the AIS Forum Summit is held is also a top priority. Military Regional Command (Kodam) IX/Udayana, which is tasked with the Regional Security Task Force (Pamwil), has held a Tactical Floor Game (TFG) to design tactics and strategies in implementing security. Pangdam IX/Udayana, Major General TNI Harfendi, SIP, M.Sc, explained that this TFG was part of important preparations in ensuring the smooth running of the event. Security preparations from the regional security task force and the AIS Summit evacuation task force are to measure the maturity of activity planning.

Apart from preparations for security, the 2023 AIS Forum Summit also provides a valuable opportunity for Indonesia to show its active role in international forums. In this event, island and archipelago countries from all over the world will gather to discuss, collaborate and find joint solutions to global maritime challenges. The success of this event will not only strengthen cooperation among island and archipelagic countries, but will also bring great benefits to the global ocean and our shared future.

Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country in the world has a great responsibility to lead in efforts to protect and sustainably utilize marine resources. The AIS Forum 2023 Summit is the perfect platform to take concrete steps towards a brighter and more sustainable future for the world’s oceans and society. As host of this event, Indonesia will have an extraordinary opportunity to lead and make a significant positive contribution to global maritime issues.

Bali will witness the collaboration and innovation taking place at the 2023 AIS Forum Summit, and the world will await concrete results and concrete steps that will be taken to safeguard the global ocean and our shared future. In this momentum, Indonesia stands as a leader, leading by example, and bringing hope for a better future for the sea and all of humanity.

)* The author is from the Indonesian Diaspora in Belgium

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