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Governor’s Palace of Central Kalimantan Ravaged

display location of Central Kalimantan Governor's Palace
display location of Central Kalimantan Governor’s Palace

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – The high wind strike occurred Saturday (7/11/2015) night in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, cause the fascist of tower electric and electrical outages occur.

In addition, it also destroyed a number of buildings in Palangka Raya. One of them is the presence of Isen Mulang Palace which is one of the important meeting places.

The Palace of Isen Mulang became home of Acting Governor Central Kalimantan, Hadi Prabowo.

As reported in the number of media, the most severe damage occurred in parts of roofs torn and flying roof.

Head of public relations and Protocol of the Setda Kalteng Marianitha through a release submitted to the editor Online BPost Sunday (8/11/2015) night said that the high winds struck on November 7, 2015, which causes the destruction of several government buildings, houses of worship, houses and public facilities, also causing the fallen tower PLN and the fascist tree.

This incident also resulted in disruption of the activities of the community, mainly because of lack of power supply.

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