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Imitate Religious Tolerance in Maluku


unity-in-diversityBy: Dede August )*

“Ale Rasa Rasa Beta, Potong di Kuku Rasa in Daging”

Atmosphere 1437 Hijriah Eid Mubarak celebrations in Maluku, especially Ambon, were very peaceful and serene. It did not indicate that the province was hit by dark events from 1999 to 2003 ago. Although, the Maluku people tend fragmented because of religious differences, but they succeeded in realizing tolerance between religious communities enviable. Even in 2016, Maluku success perched in third position as the region with the best religious harmony which established by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. It may seem difficult when confronted with the fact that the Moluccas consist of 1,340 islands, 117 languages, 100 sub-tribes, and their dark thoughts related to inter-religious relations. However, the people of Maluku have to break it, and success in realizing tolerance between religious communities.

The tension of the dark events of 1999-2002 and 2011, slowly but surely, began to unravel, even lost, from the memory of Moluccas People, especially Ambon Citizens. It is obvious from the evening festivities, takbiran, July 5, 2016, which is a very safe and orderly. Victory against lust for a full month is celebrated with joy by all Muslims in the city of Ambon in convoy around the city. Although, the convoy has been banned by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Maluku because of a fears led to clashes. However, the Muslims and non-Muslims in Maluku managed to prove that they have been recovered from a dark past, so there is not the slightest disturbance in celebration takbiran.

Not only in the celebration of Idul Fitri, Christmas celebrations even so, the driver of motorcycle taxi home base in Kudamati, District Nusaniwe, known as complex Christian, has no worry to serve the passengers until Kebun Cengkih, District Sirimau, known as complex Muslims, as stated by welcome Maluku Governor Said Assagaff, when held Eid Mubarak citizens party with the Ambon community, in the Office of the Governor of Maluku, Ambon City, last Wednesday (6/7).

This situation Maluku today highly appreciated by the Governor of Maluku and increasingly made up his mind to make the Moluccas as a laboratory of inter-religious harmony. “I am proud to have citizens who support the Maluku provincial government program, makes this region as a laboratory of inter-religious harmony, both nationally and internationally,” he said.

The success of the Maluku people to rise up out of the dark past, is exemplary by all regions in Indonesia, even in the world. Atmosphere of the people in Maluku is proof that the progress of a region, one of which must be built on a sense of religious tolerance. If all Indonesian people can make it happen, then we will no longer be troubled by inter-religious conflict, so that future Indonesia will be a state and a nation more advanced and civilized

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