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Appreciating the Commitment of the Prabowo Gibran Government to Realize a Drug-Free Golden Generation


By: Deka Prawira)*

The public appreciates the government of Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in their efforts to create a golden generation free of drugs is a step that is not only important, but also very relevant to the challenges of the times. Through strategic programs such as the Drug Eradication Desk, the government shows a real commitment to overcoming drug abuse that threatens the future of the nation.

This program not only targets the eradication of drug smuggling and trafficking, but also includes prevention and rehabilitation, ensuring that every level of society, especially the younger generation, is protected from the threat of narcotics. With the synergy of various institutions, such as the Police, BNN, and related ministries, this step reflects the seriousness in realizing the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045.

Eradicating drugs is not an easy task. Data submitted by the National Narcotics Agency shows that the number of drug abusers in Indonesia has reached 1.73 percent of the population, or equivalent to around 3.3 million people.

This figure reflects the complexity of the challenges faced by the government, especially when targeting the productive age group as the most vulnerable group. For this reason, the Drug Eradication Desk was formed as part of President Prabowo Subianto’s Asta Cita, with the aim of closing the gap for drug smuggling and strengthening prevention, enforcement, and rehabilitation efforts.

The desk, led directly by the Chief of Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has a solid structure and involves cross-sectors. The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Commissioner General Wahyu Widada, explained that this team involves not only the National Police and BNN, but also the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Indonesian National Army.

This collaborative step is important to ensure that all elements work together to combat drug trafficking. This approach not only emphasizes law enforcement but also involves rehabilitation as part of a long-term solution.

It doesn’t stop there, the five working groups in this desk provide specific focus, starting from prevention, legal action, to publication. These working groups have a strategic role to ensure that each program has a real impact on the community.

This drug eradication effort is also directed at breaking the chain of more complex crimes, including money laundering crimes that are often closely related to drug networks. Thus, the big goal of protecting the younger generation from this threat becomes more structured and measurable.

The commitment of the National Police in supporting this program is also worthy of appreciation. Commissioner General Wahyu Widada emphasized that the eradication of drugs is part of the protection of the young generation who will be the backbone of Indonesia Emas 2045.

In fact, the success in uncovering the drug laboratory case in Bali is real evidence of the seriousness of the Police in carrying out the mandate from President Prabowo. This shows that efforts to eradicate drugs are not only carried out on the surface, but to the roots. The firm direction from the President and the Chief of Police to not provide space for drug trafficking further strengthens the public’s belief in a brighter future.

Support from various parties, including the legislature, is also an important factor in the success of this program. Chairman of the MPR RI Ahmad Muzani highlighted the need to strengthen intelligence to detect and eradicate drug trafficking more effectively. Intelligence is a key instrument in prevention efforts, because drug trafficking often involves complex and cross-country networks.

Not only that, increasing rehabilitation centers is also an important agenda that must be realized immediately. With adequate rehabilitation, drug abusers can return to society as productive individuals. This program does not only rely on a repressive approach, but also places rehabilitation and prevention as the main components.

The Prabowo-Gibran government’s move is a real example of a strategic vision that is oriented towards the future. The commitment to eradicating drugs is more than just a political promise, but a long-term investment for the younger generation.

Appreciating the Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka administration for their commitment to realizing a drug-free golden generation is a form of respect for the real steps that have been taken for the future of the nation. Programs such as the Drug Eradication Desk show that the government is not just talking, but acting by involving various parties to eradicate the circulation of narcotics from upstream to downstream.

As a society, we have a big role to play in supporting this program. Education about the dangers of drugs must continue to be carried out, both in the family environment, schools, and the wider community. In addition, we must also actively report if we know of any indications of drug trafficking around us. Collaboration between the government and the community will be the key to success in creating a drug-free environment.

Ultimately, this major step taken by the Prabowo-Gibran government is a new hope for the future of Indonesia. With a strong commitment from various elements, we can all dream of a golden generation free from drugs, a generation that will lead this nation to glory in 2045.

Now, it is time for all of us to take part, because the fight against drugs is not only the government’s job, but our shared responsibility. Let’s fully support this effort for a better future for Indonesia!

)* The author is a contributor to the Reading Window Institute

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