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Appreciation Apparatus Security Maintain Conduciveness Year New


By : Arzan Malik Narendra )*

Appreciation tall many provided by various party will effort whole apparatus security keep going guard conducive to celebration Year New 2023, for ensure Public safe and comfortable .

Celebration replacement Year New from 2022 to to 2023 indeed Becomes a moment alone for a number people who celebrate and enliven it . Mainly , indeed no a little the desired party carry out holiday in moment the . For That is , security and order in society _ be one _ most important aspect so all type celebration year new the can permanent conducive .

So far this , performance from whole apparatus security of course really good in framework keep going guard kamtibmas . Coordination and synergy start from party The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the Indonesian National Police ( Polri ) in his efforts create a sense of security to whole Public already very maximal .

Although with maximum performance that has done by all party apparatus security such , however permanent urged to all Public for always Upgrade vigilance self each of them to follow as well as in guard kamtibmas and also guard conduciveness safety in the environment them .

No only it , however Public you have to yourself too capable for keep going turn on values existing tolerance _ so harmony between people religious permanent intertwined in the middle compound the people of the Motherland.

The public is also advised when use mode transportation who knows that from track land , water and air , capable permanent guard order During trip . No can denied that certain will there is accumulation in some the place like station , airport (airport) to road highway because of course interest for traveling really high .

Temporary that , Chairperson of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Puan Maharani stated that of course so far this coordination already many done from all element including government as well as officials security for keep going create conducive situation _ approaching celebration Year New 2023.

Miss added that indeed very important order throughout stakeholders interests (stakeholders), in matter these are officers security capable keep going guard security then cross moment holiday Year New because indeed on time this mobility in society _ _ really high .

The chairman of the DPR RI even put forward that at least will there is millions implementing community _ holiday Year New , which already done by society since week third month December . On the side that , he also reminded to RI government so keep going capable do control price need tree that can just will experience spike approaching year 2023.

About how work hard from whole apparatus security , Govt Pekanbaru give appreciation outside normal because all party of course capable provide a sense of security it and guarantee community , especially at celebrations Year new . Pekanbaru City Secretary , Drs. H Moh Noer say accept love to the military and police because already as well as immediately up their sleeves _ in keep going guard conduciveness . He also hopes that everything celebration Year It ‘s only 2023 can walk with safe , smooth and also can spared from various type thing that is n’t wanted .

Likewise , Mayor of Banjar, Ade Uu Sukaesih also gave appreciation tall to whole apparatus good Police , TNI to the volunteers he assessed has ready standby even 24 hours non-stop in do security activity Public During celebration holiday Year New 2023.

Because of course all preparedness and also very high dedication has provided by the TNI and POLRI as well as on all Security Post ranks During Naruto . as unknown , Banjar Police Chief , AKBP Bayu Chess Prabowo has convincing that whole his side have very strong commitment for keep going ensure safety and convenience society .

Implementation Operation Candle Lodaya 2022 even done with fielded apparatus combined unit function and police ranks . No only it , however in Operation Lots of candles too helping party _ from various agency such as the Management Agency Bendana , Department of Health, Fire Fires , Community Organizations to Non – Governmental Organizations .

Effort for keep going guard conduciveness During celebration Year Just 2023 continues done by all apparatus security maximally . _ _ it _ it is very appropriate for given appreciated by all party blessing work hard them . In matter this , society will capable celebrate replacement year with full excited joy and excitement .

)* Writer is a contributor to the Cyber Nusa Institute

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