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Appreciation of Government’s Commitment to Eradicating Online Gambling


Jakarta – The government through the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Kemkomdigi) continues to demonstrate its commitment to eradicating online gambling practices that are increasingly rampant in Indonesia. Minister of Communication and Digital, Meutya Hafid, stated that this effort is part of maintaining a safe digital space that is free from negative influences on society.

At the beginning of his leadership, the Minister of Communication and Digital managed to block more than 383,000 online gambling sites since President Prabowo’s administration with the Asta Cita mission, one of which is eradicating online gambling.

“If calculated since the beginning of the Red and White Cabinet government was formed, it has reached 380 thousand or so,” said Meutya.

“Eradicating online gambling is our serious commitment. We will continue to collaborate with various parties to ensure a safe digital space for the Indonesian people,” said Meutya Hafid. She also asked the public to play an active role in reporting suspicious content through the official channels provided.

In addition, Komdigi has blocked 1,361 search keywords on Google. It also blocked 7,252 keywords on Meta related to online gambling from November 4 to 20, 2024. Meutya said that her party had written to the Google office, Meta to Tiktok to speed up the blocking of more keywords related to Judol.

This policy is in line with the President’s direction to take firm action against all forms of legal violations, especially those related to online gambling. In addition to cutting off access, Kemkomdigi is also working with financial authorities such as OJK to freeze accounts suspected of being used in online gambling activities.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Ahmad Sahroni, appreciated law enforcement officers who have continued to strive to eradicate online gambling. “The eradication carried out by law enforcement officers is a reflection of the government’s commitment to eradicating online gambling,” he said.

This effort has received appreciation from various groups, including the public, who hope that the government can continue to maintain this firm step to protect the younger generation from the negative impacts of online gambling. With strong synergy between the government, technology companies, and the public, it is hoped that Indonesia can be free from the threat of online gambling.

With firm steps in law enforcement, public education, and collaboration with technology, the government has shown that they are serious about eradicating online gambling. With these steps, it is hoped that online gambling can be suppressed and the Indonesian people can avoid the negative impacts it causes. Our appreciation for the Prabowo Subianto government must be accompanied by real action from all elements of society to jointly eradicate online gambling and create a better future.


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