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Condemning KST Papua Attacks Civil Society With Illegal Weapons


By : Saby Kossay)*

All parties deserve to condemn KST Papua, which has carried out attacks up to a series of cruel and barbaric actions that are totally inhumane and have even caused casualties from civilians to security forces using illegal weapons they smuggled.

The smuggling of illegal firearms purchased using village funds has become one of the concerns of the security forces. Related to this, the Papua Police asked the central government not to disburse village fund allocations, especially for the Nduga District. This was conveyed by the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Prabowo, who was concerned that village funds were being misused to support the purchase of illegal firearms for the KKB. Previously, West Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Daniel Tahi Monang Silitonga ordered his staff to investigate the use of village funds in two areas which are the areas where the KKB is concentrated in West Papua.

Meanwhile, the Leaders of the House of Representatives in West Papua Province continue to fully support all the efforts of the joint personnel security apparatus consisting of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in arresting gangs of separatist groups. and Papuan terrorists (KST), who have been threatening the security of civil society so far that this has hampered development in Cenderawasih Earth.

Regarding the full support for the security forces to be able to act very decisively on KST Papua, the Chairperson of the West Papua Provincial Parliament, Orgenes Wonggor, admitted that he strongly condemns the barbarity committed by separatist and terrorist groups in Cenderawasih Earth.

Not only do we strongly condemn all their actions and deeds which have been very inhumane and very barbaric, but full support should also be given to all levels of the security forces from the TNI, Polri and BIN to be able to continue to pursue and arrest the perpetrators so that they can accountable for their actions before the law.

How could it not be, the article is that Indonesia itself is a rule of law country so that all actions of citizens who are very deviant and not in accordance with the provisions clearly stated in the Law (UU) in the country must be subject to strict and indiscriminate punishment. hair.

So far, the series of barbaric acts that have continued to be carried out by KST Papua are indeed very disturbing to the comfort and peace of civil society which are completely innocent and have nothing to do with the conflicts they always create. 

What’s more, in fact all indigenous Papuans (OAP) themselves are typical people who really love peace and they all don’t want violence to continue to blanket the land of Cenderawasih Earth. So it is clear that all the actions of the separatist and terrorist groups cannot then reflect or represent as if they were Papuans. Because in fact it is quite the opposite, that the people of Bumi Cenderawasih are very friendly and peace-loving citizens.

It must even be stated firmly that there is absolutely no place in all parts of Cenderawasih Earth for people or groups who have different views from the ideology of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Various parties also continue to provide encouragement and full support to the security forces, from joint TNI, Polri and BIN personnel to be able to continue to carry out much deeper investigations related to trade practices, smuggling and illegal possession of firearms (senpi) to ammunition which are now controlled by KST Papua, moreover in fact they really don’t have the status and authority to control the equipment, as the laws that apply in Indonesia.

With full disclosure about where the sources of the separatist and terrorist groups in Bumi Cenderawasih were able to obtain weapons and ammunition, of course it is necessary to act very firmly against the law so that in the future they will no longer be a threat that continues to terrorize the people of Papua, including the security forces themselves.

Throughout 2023 alone, there have been many completely inhumane and barbaric acts of attack and violence that have continued to be perpetrated by KST Papua. How could it not be, because they continued to carry out their acts of terror brutally, starting from attacking civilians to the security forces from the joint personnel of the TNI, Polri and BIN.

The data shows that from January to May 2023, there have been dozens of cases of violence and acts of terror that have been continuously carried out by groups of separatist and terrorist groups, which have also caused many security forces to die on the ground when they carry out their mission to continue to strive to create peace. and conduciveness in Cenderawasih Earth, including also being victims, namely civil society who are even native Papuans (OAP) themselves.

There are lots of cases and actions that have been continuously carried out by KST Papua to cause chaos in Cenderawasih Land, including those carrying out acts of shooting, terrorizing, assaulting, killing, plundering. Hacking up to destroying facilities that have been built by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI).

It’s sad that all the acts of barbarity that they carried out were carried out using illegal smuggled weapons, causing a lot of casualties and injuries, from the security forces to the civilians themselves. For this reason, it is indeed very appropriate for all actions from KST Papua to be condemned very harshly by all parties.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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