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Security Forces Affirm Commitment to Eradicating KST Papua


By : Yowar Matulessy )*

Security forces from joint personnel emphasized their very strong commitment to continue to pursue and eradicate KST Papua more intensely. This was done so that the people of Bumi Cenderawasih would no longer be worried and disturbed and that the Indonesian Government’s efforts to accelerate development in Tanah Papua would also not be hampered.

The Cartenz Peace Task Force (Satgas) succeeded in paralyzing up to 5 (five) members of the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) in the Bintang Mountains Regency, Papua Mountains Province on Saturday, September 30 2023, early this morning. It is known that the paralysis was carried out by security forces from joint personnel consisting of troops from the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) in Mondusit Village, Serambakon District.

Responding to the success of the security forces in cracking down on separatist gang members to put the area in the Bintang Mountains back in a conducive situation and able to return to normal operations, the Head of the Papua Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol) Mathius D Fakhiri said that The police are very intense in pursuing all the terrorist gangs on Earth of Cenderawasih.

It is not without reason why the security forces emphasized their strong commitment that they would continue to intensively pursue KST Papua. The reason is that the separatist gangs in the easternmost province in the country have always disturbed the entire community and have also continued to disrupt the security and order situation in society (kamtibmas).

Therefore, in order to be able to restore the situation so that it can return to being conducive and run as it should, so that all groups and layers of elements of society on Earth of Cenderawasih can continue to be able to feel security and comfort in carrying out all their daily activities, it is clear that this is very necessary. the role of the state, in this case members of the security forces from joint personnel who were deployed directly among the people in Papua to eradicate the existence of KST.

Of course, the security forces from joint personnel also have a very strong commitment that they will continue to make every effort to enforce the law to the maximum extent against these Separatist and Terrorist Groups, the TNI and Polri are also assisted by the local Regional Government (Pemda) to continue development on the Earth of Cenderawasih.

Because all this time, when attack after attack, as well as many disturbances to security and the stability of society continue to occur because of the separatist gangs, of course efforts to accelerate development have been intensified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in the era of the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi). ) in order to eliminate social disparities in the country so that development can continue to occur evenly throughout all regions in remote areas of the archipelago.

However, if KST Papua is left as it is and is not eradicated as soon as possible or dealt with very firmly, then of course all efforts to accelerate development that the Government wants to carry out, including the formation of regional expansion through the Papua New Autonomous Region (DOB) policy will be unable to be fulfilled. optimally.

In fact, all efforts to accelerate development are for the good and can also help improve the welfare of the people in Papua itself. So, it is very important that KST Papua can be eradicated evenly and that there are no parties who continue to carry out this disturbance.

On another occasion, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin, through his spokesperson, Masduki Baidlowi, also stated that he had ordered all security forces from joint TNI and Polri personnel to act very firmly in carrying out the pursuit. to KST Papua.

Now, it is time for the security forces to no longer just take a preventive approach, but to start changing their approach to be much more pro-active in carrying out pursuits and taking firm action and being able to enforce just laws.

The pursuit carried out by all members of the security forces should even be optimized through sweeping efforts to all corners and hiding places that are suspected to be the headquarters of the separatist gang. Efforts to take action quickly and precisely are a very important step to ensure that the Papuan people are no longer disturbed by the existence of KST Papua.

The eradication of all Papuan KST groups and gangs in all areas of Bumi Cenderawasih, whether by their leaders or crews, must be carried out and must continue to be intensified very intensely by security forces from joint personnel. Huge appreciation for the very strong commitment they have in taking firm and intense action in pursuing the separatist gangs in Papua so that community security is no longer disturbed, and the development that the government is intensifying is not hampered.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Manado

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