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“Love or Lost” Campaign: Love to World Heritage

Prambanan temple in Yogyakarta, Indonesia is one of the world heritages.
Prambanan temple in Yogyakarta, Indonesia is one of the world heritages.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Borobudur and Prambanan temple has been decided as world heritage by UNESCO since 25 years ago. Borobudur and Prambanan temple is located in Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta province, Indonesia. Now, this is our duty as citizen of Indonesia to love and care about the existence of those temples.

On the momentum of anniversary 25 years Borobudur and Prambanan temple decided as world heritage, The Ministry of Education and Culture conduct an event by the theme “Love or Lost”. The campaign has been starting since 1 August 2016 ago.

The campaign is a campaign that aims built love on young generation toward world heritage and culture. In addition, the campaign has aim also to push the awareness preservation of world heritage and one effort to involved society in preservation on world heritage.

Director of Directorate Heritage and Diplomacy of Culture, The Ministry of Education and Culture, Nadjamuddin Ramly, said that the preservation of world heritage not only as physical maintenance. Moreover, he added, the preservation is also involved understanding the culture heritage philosophy.

Many close events to young generation also conduct to support the campaign of “love or lost”. The events are meme competition, vlog competitions, blog competition, stand up comedy competition, and photo competition

“Young generation must be involved in, because their role is very important to save the world heritage. By active participation, they will also think the creative way to save world heritage,” said Najamuddin as in Pikiran Rakyat.com

By that way, according to him, young generation not only as object of programs by government, moreover as subject and motor, and then grew love and having sense to world heritage.

Besides Borobudur and Prambanan, there are two other archaeological sites which as focus on the campaign. The sites are Subak and Sangiran homosapiens.


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