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Most of House on Transmigration program was sold by Transmigrant

House in Transmigration Program
House in Transmigration Program

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS, Central Kalimantan –Transmigration is a way and solution by government in order to decrease the number of poor people. Besides that, population density is also reason in transmigration program.

Transmigrant (people who conduct the transmigration) is given facility by Government, such house and land. In some area, it found a fact that most of house in transmigration was sold by transmigrant. It is shown in land certificate is different with the first data in manpower and transmigration board.

It is occur in East Kalimantan Province. According to data about certificate on Transmigration Program on 1996 in districts of Muara Wahau, Muara Ancalong and Batu Ampar, which is conducted by manpower and transmigration board (Disnakertrans) and National land agency (BPN) Kutai Timur regency. The survey result showed that the number of certificate holding is decrease.

Chief of manpower and transmigration board (Disnakertrans) Kutai Timur, Abdullah Fauzie such quote in Samarinda Post, He said that the holding of certificate regard to first data which same name is decrease half. First date assumed that there are 2.100 certificates, but today there are only 1.000 certificates which same name to the first data.

Fauzie said, the different name caused most of transmigrant sells their house and then back to hometown. Then, there are different name of it.

He said, certificate with same name to first data will deliver soon to owner. Then, the different data, the party will discuss and make decision soon.


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