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Pancasila Day is the Momentum for Strengthening Just and Dignified Elections


By: Ahmad Dzul Ilmi Muis)*

The commemoration of Pancasila Day is the best momentum to jointly continue to strengthen and oversee the implementation of General Elections by upholding the principles of being honest and fair and full of dignity, so that political contestation does not become a means to divide the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Professor of the Faculty of Law (FH) at Pelita Harapan University (UPH), Prof. Teguh Prasetyo stated that the existence of political contestation and democratic parties, namely the holding of general elections (elections) in the country which are held every 5 (five) years must indeed continue to be able to refer to the values ​​contained in the state philosophy, Pancasila.

The reason is, if all parties, starting from the organizers to the participants in the election, want to create a dignified political contestation, of course, in all series of general election implementation, it must be able to include the values ​​contained in Pancasila.

As a contest, of course it becomes a natural thing if every participant who takes part in it definitely wants a win. On the other hand, with a winner, it must also be realized that it is very natural that there are losers in it.

However, if the participants or contestants in the 5 (five) yearly democratic party in Indonesia only really want to win the election, maybe they will even do everything they can to win, of course that will be a very dangerous thing, especially if they don’t. accompanied by a solid foundation within all parties including the participants and also the Election organizers.

The foundation in the implementation of the General Election is very important, because it is an election philosophy, so indeed the values ​​and enforceability in it are indeed obligatory to continue to refer to every point of Pancasila.

The reason is, actually elections and democracy itself are not a goal, but actually just a tool to be able to achieve a goal, so it would be wrong if there are still parties who think that it is as if continuity and victory in general elections is their main goal.

The awareness that contestation is not an end in itself is very important to be understood by all parties, starting from the organizers and also the election participants themselves.

Moreover, in the midst of the condition of the Indonesian people who indeed have very diverse backgrounds because all people in the country have very high pluralism or very high diversity, so that the motto that was initiated by the founding fathers of the nation, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika or the awareness that society themselves are different but still being able to become one is something that must be stuck in the chest.

Thus, it is precisely the existence of political contestation or a democratic party. The 2024 election should actually become an event that further strengthens national unity and integrity, instead it is not a contest which will ultimately lead to polarization in society and instead create divisions between one another.

So it is very clear that a strong commitment to Indonesia being able to remain united is something that must continue to be maintained together, especially when approaching a political year like now, where the public has begun to feel how hot the election contest is with various issues circulating on social media. and digital space.

Do not let any person from any party take advantage of the opportunity to heat up the democratic stage by increasingly trying to divide society or instead take advantage of this momentum as an effort to continue to gain their voices and attract sympathizers to vote for them.

Pancasila itself which is the 5 (five) foundations and becomes the principle and philosophy of the state, should continue to be used as a guideline for every action of the people, because the values ​​in Pancasila itself have historically been very in accordance with the nation’s culture, intellectual property and values. noble origin that this nation already has.

Of course, Pancasila is a set of values ​​or philosophy of life as a state that has a very broad role in life in Indonesia, even in all terms, which includes politics, economics, social, culture, defense and security and also all other aspects.

The political system that runs in Indonesia must also continue to be in accordance with Pancasila values ​​as its main paradigm, namely by implementing a Pancasila democratic political system, which means that power comes from the people, by the people and for the people.

Therefore, all elements of society must also continue to be able to jointly strengthen the implementation of General Elections and guard them together so that they can continue to be held by prioritizing the principles of honesty and fairness and full of dignity. Especially in commemoration of Pancasila Day, which is the best momentum for all parties to be able to jointly realize Pancasila-based elections and democracy.

)* The author is an Alumni of FISIP Unair

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