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Post-2024 Regional Elections, the Importance of Society to Restore Social Unity and Stability


By: Rivka Mayangsari*)

The 2024 Pilkada has been completed, and now is the time for all elements of society to work together to maintain peace and social stability after the election. Although the democratic process has run smoothly, the biggest challenge we face is how to maintain unity and avoid division amid differences in political choices. It is important for all of us to remain grounded in the values ​​of brotherhood and kinship that have become the basis of community life in Indonesia.

Member of Commission I of the Palangka Raya City DPRD, Hatir Sata Tarigan, reminded the public to maintain a conducive situation after the simultaneous regional elections. He emphasized that differences in political choices are common in a democratic system, and despite these differences, the public must maintain unity and not allow this to damage social relations between residents. Hatir also appealed to the public to support the ongoing vote counting process, so that it is carried out transparently and fairly, from the sub-district to the provincial level. This is important so that the public can continue to trust the integrity of the election process and ensure that the results are legitimate and well received.

Post-election, the social situation in society often changes, depending on how we all respond to the election results and post-election. Sometimes, sharp political differences can cause tension and conflict. Therefore, maintaining peace after the election is very important so that we do not lose focus in realizing our common goals, namely the progress of the nation and the welfare of all Indonesian people. A society that is mature in politics will understand that differences are natural in democracy, but what is more important is how we respect these differences and continue to maintain unity in diversity.

A similar message was also conveyed by the Head of the Central Sulawesi Interfaith Harmony Forum (FKUB), Prof. KH. Zaenal Abidin, who invited the public to remain calm and not be easily influenced by information circulating on social media regarding the vote acquisition. He emphasized that the Pilkada is a necessity for all components of society to elect leaders who will lead development for the next five years. According to him, this is a logical consequence of democracy, which requires the public to elect leaders freely and fairly. Therefore, he reminded the public not to be carried away by the flow of information that could worsen the atmosphere and to always maintain a cool, safe, and peaceful atmosphere for the common good, regardless of who is elected.

Along with that, the government and related institutions must continue to encourage dialogue between citizens to reduce potential tensions. Programs that prioritize inclusivity and strengthen relations between citizens, such as social and cultural activities, can be concrete steps in maintaining unity. It is also our shared duty to ensure that the development promised by the elected leaders can run smoothly, without obstacles from social conflicts that should have been avoided.

In addition, former terrorism convict, Irhan Nugraha, also emphasized the importance of maintaining the unity of the Republic of Indonesia after the election. According to him, the election is not an event to worsen relations between citizens, but rather part of a democratic system that must be respected. Irhan reminded the public not to get caught up in ideologies that could trigger national divisions. He invited the public to be more introspective and fix what was wrong in the democratic process. According to him, it is necessary to be aware of ideologies that can damage national unity and disintegration, especially in times like now.

Irhan also called on the public to actively participate in the democratic process, and invited groups that are still anti-democratic to re-examine and understand the importance of democracy for the country. He emphasized that elections are a legitimate and valid process to elect leaders who will lead the country in a better direction, not a means to divide national unity.

Post-2024 Pilkada, it is time for all of us to realize unity and peace. Political choices may differ, but our goal remains the same, which is to realize a better Indonesia. In this context, maintaining social stability is not a task that is only the responsibility of certain parties, but of all Indonesian people. We must be aware that togetherness, mutual cooperation, and mutual respect are strong foundations that must continue to be maintained for mutual progress.

Together, we can maintain post-election peace, create a harmonious society, and encourage sustainable development. Because, although politics and elections are an important part of the democratic process, social unity and stability are much more important to maintain the progress of a more just and prosperous country for all Indonesian people.

In addition, the role of social media is also very large in shaping public opinion after the election. Fast and often unverified information can easily influence a person’s perspective on the election results, even triggering tensions between citizens. Therefore, it is important for the public to be more selective in receiving information and not be easily provoked. Vigilance against hoaxes and information from unclear sources is key to keeping the situation stable and harmonious.

*) Political observer

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