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Presidential Election Through “People Power” Ala Amien Rais


By: Nurul Ibrahim *

Amien Rais said a few weeks ago that if the 2019 Election results, both Pileg and Presidential Election there were indications of fraud and the results were “doubtful”, he would mobilize “People Power” as in 1998 when he overthrew the New Order regime. From the summary of the statement arises the confusion and awkwardness, a very thick a priori and subjective nuances of Amien Rais’s “threat”.

People power itself is generally interpreted as mobilizing the masses (supporters), when the election results are doubtful. The mobilization of the masses will certainly cause problems. Obviously the main thing is that the mobilization of the masses will be risky for National Security, the community will be disturbed by the demonstration, especially if it is not coordinated and can lead to anarchism / chaos. The impact is that all aspects are disadvantaged and certainly the international world will highlight this incident. The image of Indonesia in the eyes of the international will be negative, especially for tourists and foreign investors.

But the least understood, statement “if the result
doubt “that is very subjective. Who is doubtful? If the KPU has carried out well and objectively, there are witnesses from each political party, plus the presence of independent observers both locally and internationally, the calculations are carried out transparently, then doubtful parties emerge without valid data support which essentially does not accept the results and mobilizes the masses to protest, of course this is a very naive thing.

In addition, Amien Rais also did not take into account that the ones who had the masses were not only him, then if the other parties were also provoked by mobilizing the masses and in fact there were more, he would certainly be ashamed of himself. Even with the mobilization of the masses, they succeeded in overthrowing the results of the election, then the president obtained the results of people power, but some time later with People Power the other party moved to overthrow the President as a result of people power.

This possibility is the only one in the world, where the originator is Amien Rais. But can this be true or just imaginary? Of course time will answer. And the answer is clear, “it is only an imagination of an Amien Rais”.

  • The author is a Social Media activist

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