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Prioritizing Unity Amidst the 2024 Regional Election Results


By: Raina Anjani )*

The peak event of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections or Pilkada Pilkada Serentak has been completed. This is a very important moment for all Indonesian citizens to remember that even though there are differences in political choices, the unity and integrity of the nation must be maintained.

General elections, including simultaneous regional elections, are part of the democratic process that must be carried out with full maturity and a sense of shared responsibility. Although each individual or group has a candidate they support, the common goal of advancing the nation must still prioritize harmony and brotherhood among each other.

As a democratic country, Indonesia has shown maturity in democracy, and this must be reflected in the attitudes of all parties, from voters, prospective leaders, to government officials. The Pilkada process must continue to take place peacefully and with respect, maintaining national unity above all else.

At the regional level, it is important for regional head candidates to realize that victory is not only related to the vote count results, but also to the ability to unite various elements of society. Head of the Domestic Politics Division of the National Unity and Politics Agency (Kesbangpol) of Central Kalimantan, Mulyo Suharto, conveyed the importance of maintaining a conducive atmosphere after the vote.

Mulyo emphasized that whoever is elected must be able to invite their supporters to maintain regional stability. In Central Kalimantan, for example, all levels of society are expected to work together to maintain security and order. With maintained stability, the wheels of the economy and regional progress can run smoothly. Therefore, the parties must ensure that the results of the Pilkada are not used by individuals who want to destroy peace or create tension in society.

In Aceh, the Aceh National Unity and Politics Agency also held a seminar discussing post-election peace. Head of National Development Planning and Conflict Management of Aceh Kesbangpol, Dedy Andrian, reminded of the importance of cooperation between all parties in maintaining peace and stability in Aceh. Although the political situation in Aceh is quite conducive, Dedy emphasized that there is still potential for friction that needs to be watched out for.

All elements of society, including academics, community leaders, youth, and security forces, are expected to play an active role in strengthening peace after the Pilkada. Dedy also said that this seminar aims to explore input from various parties on how to strengthen peace and development in Aceh. With the same spirit, all parties are expected to work together to create sustainable and equitable development in the future.

All parties, both the central and regional governments, have a very big role in ensuring that the results of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections do not cause division. Post-election tensions are often a challenge to regional stability, but with good communication and awareness to maintain unity, Indonesia can face it more maturely.

Elections and regional elections are part of political dynamics that must be lived with maturity. Differences are something natural in democracy, but unity is something that must always be maintained and fought for.

This spirit of unity must be the foundation for all elements of society to unite for the greater interests of the nation. The success of the Pilkada is not only measured by who wins, but also by how much this nation can maintain peace, unity, and oneness amidst differences. The elected leader must be able to reunite all levels of society with different political choices for the sake of mutual progress.

Indonesia is a democratic country, where victory is not just about the acquisition of votes, but how the process can produce sustainable harmony in society. The public must be given space to express their political choices, but it must always be done within the framework of maintaining national stability and unity.

The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections must be an event to strengthen democracy, not to worsen divisions. As a great nation, Indonesia has the capacity to manage differences and continue to move forward towards a better future.

Ultimately, the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections are part of the long process of Indonesian democracy. Whatever the results of the regional elections are from each region, they should not hinder joint steps to build a more advanced and prosperous Indonesia. All parties, both elected and not, must commit to upholding the values ​​of unity, peace, and development. Thus, Indonesia can face future challenges with more strength and unity.

)* Contributor to the Indonesian Reading Room

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