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Realizing Interfaith Unity Ahead of Papua Regional Elections


By: Moses Waker )*

Ahead of the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) in Bumi Cenderawasih, the spirit of unity and tolerance among religious communities is becoming increasingly important. Amidst the efforts of the Papuan and Southwest Papuan communities to oversee the regional democratic party, various organizations and community leaders are also working together to maintain social stability and harmony.

The presence of religious figures, such as the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) of Jayapura Regency, the Ministry of Religion of Sorong City, and the Interfaith Harmony Forum (FKUB), form the vanguard in creating a safe and conducive environment.

The Head of DMI Jayapura Regency, H. Sakaruddin, emphasized that Muslims in Jayapura Regency have a moral responsibility to help maintain order during the Regional Head Elections.

Sakaruddin invited the public to attend on November 27 to exercise their right to vote freely and without pressure. More than just choosing a leader, the 2024 Pilkada is also a means for the public to participate in a dignified democracy, where every vote has a big role in determining the future of the region.

In addition, Sakaruddin highlighted the importance of refraining from all forms of provocation, especially those that have the potential to divide interfaith harmony. He said that the public must be aware of hoax issues that often emerge ahead of the election.

In his view, differences in choice are commonplace, but they should not tear apart unity. The public is invited to maintain a peaceful atmosphere by setting aside differences and remaining focused on efforts to create a safe Pilkada.

Meanwhile, in the Southwest Papua region, the Head of the Sorong City Ministry of Religious Affairs Office, Rofiul Amri, also paid special attention to the importance of maintaining social harmony in welcoming this five-yearly local political contestation event.

Rofiul reminded Sorong residents to support a calm atmosphere in the Pilkada by treating each other as brothers, avoiding the use of provocative social media, and rejecting religion-based identity politics.

Through collaboration involving FKUB and the Sorong City Government, Rofiul emphasized that this Pilkada must be a democratic event that strengthens unity, regardless of religious background.

For Rofiul, the Pilkada event is not just a political agenda, but also an opportunity to build a better future for Southwest Papua. The elected leader is expected to be able to serve the community well and represent the aspirations of all groups.

Given the high risk of polarization during the Pilkada, Rofiul invited the public to stay away from identity politics that are prone to triggering social friction. Residents should choose candidate leaders based on work programs and abilities, not merely because of primordial ties. All elements of society are invited to work together to realize a peaceful Pilkada by prioritizing an attitude of tolerance and togetherness.

In the implementation of the upcoming democratic party, religious unity is one of the main keys to realizing a safe and peaceful Pilkada. Therefore, all parties must respect the democratic process based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, by implementing the principles of direct, general, free, secret, honest, and fair elections.

Head of Kesbangpol Hendrikus Momot FKUB in Sorong City also supports efforts to create a peaceful Pilkada. According to him, the role of FKUB is very strategic in maintaining the conduciveness of the Papua region. FKUB holds the responsibility to be a bridge between various religious groups, ensuring that differences in political views do not trigger tension.

Hendrikus highlighted the role of FKUB in reducing potential conflicts that often arise from unfounded information, especially ahead of the Pilkada. The presence of FKUB as the vanguard is expected to maintain religious harmony and strengthen social stability in Sorong City and its surroundings.

In facing the rapid flow of information through social media, FKUB is committed to continuing to remind the public of the importance of being wise in receiving and disseminating information.

Kesbangpol also emphasized the importance of the presence of religious figures as strategic partners in making the Election a success. With the social challenges currently faced by Papuan society, religious figures are considered to have a major influence in building collective awareness of the importance of peace.

Amidst various challenges and potential polarization, religious figures are expected to be able to cool and maintain social stability, considering the social conditions of the people in Bumi Cenderawasih which are vulnerable to sensitive issues. The unity of religious communities ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections in Papua is not only the responsibility of one party, but a joint effort of all elements of society.

The presence of Pilkada as a manifestation of democracy requires the community to maintain unity, prioritize tolerance, and strengthen relations between groups. In this crucial moment, commitment from religious leaders, indigenous peoples, and security forces is needed to oversee the democratic party so that it takes place in a peaceful, safe, and joyful atmosphere.

The Papuan people have a great opportunity to show that despite their differences, unity and love for their homeland remain the main priorities in realizing a better future for future generations.

)* Papuan students live in Makassar

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