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Supporting the Deradicalism Program to Realize Peaceful Elections in 2024


By: Mika Putri Larasti

The public is optimistic and fully supports the deradicalization program which the Government is currently continuing to intensify. Nevertheless, community synergy to eradicate radicalism is still needed in order to realize peaceful elections in 2024.

The Ministry of Communication and Information will maintain the digital space so that the 2024 Simultaneous General Election (Pemilu) takes place in a clean manner free from various hoax information and radicalism. Regarding this, the Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, said that currently he has coordinated with various parties to take steps to prevent and handle hoaxes and disinformation in the digital space.

Efforts to prevent radicalism, terrorism and hoax content were taken by Kominfo to ensure productive and healthy elections for the Indonesian people. Kominfo is of course working with many parties to discuss which ones are hoaxes and which ones contain radical narratives.

The essence of holding elections is to unite fellow members of the nation and contribute to improving the quality of democracy. Therefore, all parties have a role to play in maintaining a safe and healthy digital space.

Prevention and anticipation of radicalism is carried out not only on mass media or social media, so various prevention efforts must be carried out by all parties. Including community leaders, they must play an active role in inviting community members to avoid these dangerous thoughts.

Various efforts by the government and security forces are synergizing to prevent acts of radicalism. The Central Java Regional Police are intensifying outreach efforts and appealing to the public regarding the dangers of the spread of radical ideas and potential acts of terrorism ahead of the 2024 elections.

Head of Public Relations, Police Commissioner Satake Bayu Setianto, said that active community participation in monitoring and reporting suspicious activity is one of the keys to mitigating this threat.

The public is very enthusiastic about participating in socialization held by the government directly or online regarding the importance of educating the potential of individuals or groups who may be affiliated with radicalism or terrorism activities.

Acts of radicalism that continue to threaten society, especially ahead of the 2024 elections, are receiving more attention from security forces, the public can recognize indications or the potential for individuals or groups involved or affiliated with terrorist networks so that they can quickly provide information to the authorities.

The Central Java Regional Police is committed to providing protection and making the 2024 elections a success. The Head of Public Relations emphasized that synergy between security forces and the community is a solid foundation in creating a safe and conducive environment.

The government continues to be committed to anticipating attacks by radical groups in cyberspace, which are becoming more intense as the campaign begins. The Ministry of Communication and Information will maintain the digital space so that the 2024 Simultaneous General Election takes place in a manner that is free from various hoax information and radicalism.

Efforts to prevent radicalism, terrorism and hoax content were taken by Kominfo to ensure productive and healthy elections for the Indonesian people. Of course, his party is working with many parties to discuss which ones are hoaxes and which ones contain radical narratives.

Various regions have carried out outreach in order to prevent radicalism that occurs ahead of the 2024 elections, Acting Regent of West Kotawaringin (Kobar) Budi Santosa attended friendly activities between the regional government and the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), the National Mixture Forum (FPK) and representatives from community organizations (Ormas) in the Kobar area.

Synergy between local governments, religious forums and mass organizations is very important in creating security and stability in the Kobar region. How vital it is to maintain inter-religious harmony and national unity, especially in facing the challenges of the upcoming simultaneous elections.

Budi Santosa appreciated the activities to avoid radicalism, it is considered that this is good for the government, religious forums and mass organizations to create a space for open dialogue and mutual respect. So that various potential conflicts can be avoided and resolved wisely. It is hoped that this togetherness and collaboration can continue in efforts to create a safe, peaceful and harmonious West Kotawaringin.

On the other hand, the authorities’ efforts to secure the elections received support from the community. They also work together to prevent radicalism and terrorism ahead of the 2024 elections, especially in cyberspace. Elections are prone to friction because there are differences in the choice of political parties and presidential candidates. However, it is hoped that these differences will not be exaggerated, so that the elections can be peaceful and free of terror.

The National Police is also preparing to secure the election because there could be threats from radical groups and terrorists. Therefore, all members of the National Police are prepared to protect the community from potential attacks by radical groups during the 2024 elections.

The public is also supporting the government to be strong enough to make the 2024 elections a success. One way is by increasing security in cyberspace. Radical content will be blocked so that it will not poison people’s minds and they will not abstain from voting during the elections. Meanwhile, the community is also working together to increase internet literacy, so that they do not just share and are not influenced by hoax news and propaganda.

)* The author is a law student at Semarang University

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