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Watch out for the politization of the SARA issue that blurred the face of Indonesian democracy


By: Ikshan Akbari Yuana

In recent years, the issue of Tribe, Religion, Race, and Intergenre (SARA) has increasingly emerged in political controversy, during general elections. This phenomenon not only damages the spirit of democracy, but also threatens the unity and unity of the nation.

The fact that the Election Supervisory Authority (Bawaslu) DKI Jakarta maps the SARA issue as the highest virginity in the Jakarta Pilkada and the warning from Polda Kalteng to guard against the 2024 Pilkada SARA problem confirms how serious this issue is.

The use of SARA issues in political campaigns exacerbates social polarization. Different ethnic or religious communities can be suspicious and hostile to each other. This polarization not only occurs during the campaign, but can also continue after the election is completed, undermining social cohesion in the long term. When societies are divided, the process of development and joint progress becomes impaired.

DKI Jakarta’s Bawaslu has mapped Pilkada virginity in the region, and the SARA issue emerged as the biggest threat. The coordinator of the Division of Prevention and Public Participation of Bawaslu DKI, Burhanuddin, revealed that previous campaign experiences showed that campaign materials loaded with SARA issues often divide the community.

Bawaslu found that actions such as lamentation to reject a particular candidate by a particular figure or group, SARA-loaded campaigns in public places and social media, as well as the spread of hoaks are some real forms of SARA’s politicization.

This situation is very worrying as it not only undermines democratic values, but also threatens social stability. When the SARA issue was used as a political tool, the people who were supposed to unite to choose the best leadership were divided. The high virginity associated with SARA shows how vulnerable people are to political manipulation that exploits primordial sentiment.

Central Kalimantan Polda has also issued a similar warning by Pilkada 2024. Kabid Humas Polda Kalteng, Kombes Pol. Erlan Munaji, stressed the importance of vigilance against SARA issues that can trigger social conflict and disrupt public order. Preventive efforts such as increased patrols and surveillance, as well as encouraging people not to easily trust information that has no clear source, are important steps taken to maintain security and order.

The importance ofining security and order in the context of Pilkada cannot be ignored. When the SARA issue is left uncontrolled, the potential for wider social conflict becomes real. Therefore, the active role of the security apparatus and the cooperation of the public is crucial to ensuring that the democratic process runs peacefully and without interruption.

SARA’s politicization has a wide-ranging negative impact. First, it undermines the integrity of the democratic process. The general election should be an opportunity for the people to choose leaders based on the vision, mission, and programme of work offered, not on ethnic or religious sentiment. When the SARA issue became a campaign tool, voters no longer focused on the quality of candidates, but on their primordial identities.

Second, SARA’s politicization exacerbates social polarization. Different ethnic or religious communities can be suspicious of each other, and previously harmonious social relationships can turn into hostility. This polarization not only occurs during the campaign, but can also continue long after the election is completed, undermining social cohesion in the long term.

Thirdly, SARA’s politicization threatens national stability. Indonesia as a country of extraordinary diversity is vulnerable to conflict rooted in tribal, religious, racial, and group differences. When politicians use the SARA issue to gain political gain, they are basically playing fire with national stability. History has shown that the social conflict rooted in the SARA issue can end in violence to the detriment of many parties.

To tackle the problem of SARA’s politicization, the active role of all parties is required. First, politicians and political parties must have a commitment not to use the SARA issue in their campaigns. They must focus on concrete work programmes and real solutions to the problems facing the public.

Secondly, the public must be more critical and not easily provoked by the SARA issue. Good political education is essential to equip the public with sufficient knowledge and understanding so that they can distinguish between healthy campaigns and divisive campaigns.

Thirdly, the mass media and social media must act as the guardian of campaign ethics. The spread of hoaks and campaign material loaded with SARA must be avoided and combated with accurate and educational information. The media must be a tool.

The politicization of SARA is a serious threat to Indonesian democracy. Experience at DKI Jakarta and warnings from Polda Kalteng suggest that this issue could become a major virginity in political controversy. The negative impact of SARA’s politicization not only undermines the integrity of democratic processes, but also exacerbates social polarization and threatens national stability.

Therefore, the active role of all parties, from politicians, society, to the media, is essential to ensure that Indonesian democracy remains healthy and peaceful, without being plagued by SARA issues.

*The author is a political observer

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