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Radical Islam is not an Indonesia Nation


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

President Joko Widodo said Indonesia’s ability to manage harmony and diversity is admired and made an example by other countries. Jokowi also asserted, the Islamic rahmatan lil alamin.

At the Opening of Halal National Alim Ulama at Hotel Borobudur, Central Jakarta, Thursday (13/7/2017) Jokowi said that Indonesia can be a reference, for example, to become a role model for other countries.

Jokowi emphasized the importance of the role of ulama in giving demands to the people. Especially demands for a moderate and polite Islam. Jokowi added, radical Islam is not a reflection of Islam in Indonesia.

Jokowi asserted the guidance to create a wasathiyah Islam, a moderate, polite and not a hard Islam, not a radical Islam. Radical Islam is not Islam Ulama Council of Indonesia. Radical Islam is not Islam of Indonesia.

Jokowi also hope, the scholars of the cleric can play an active role in guiding the congregation tighten the relationship, strengthening harmony and not just harmony among the Muslims themselves. But also ukhuwah wathaniyah, among the nation’s children in a spirit of unity.

Jokowi also reminded, has become the nature of the nation has always been challenged in managing diversity, in managing diversity and in managing diversity.

Jokowi asserted in the life of our dying country, we are fortunate to have Pancasila, the state ideology and the nation’s life view. Pancasila which guide us together in taking steps, in the course of history as a pluralistic nation, a diverse nation.

By becoming a world example in managing harmony and diversity Indonesia has a plus in the eyes of the world. Hopefully Indonesia continues to defend it, and all that cannot be separated from the role of all aspects of society in Indonesia. We are different, We are Indonesia.

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