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Students in the border region have received assistance from the President Jokowi


By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Previously, the video of students SD Bengkayang requesting assistance on school equipment to President Joko Widodo got viral on social media, it was uploaded by Anggit Purwoto, one of the SD’s teachers in the village of Sungkung II, Siding, Bengkayang in his Instagram account @anggitpurwoto.

For a while later, President of RI, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) gives assistance in the form of school supplies to students in SDN 07 Kapot, Siding , Bengkayang through Kodim 1202/Skw. Lt. Czi Darody Agus, says that aid bag and books is given by the President, Ir Joko Widodo. “The TNI only helps in distribution,” he said.

He said, the citizen of Bengkayang should be grateful and thank to President RI which has helped students, who are on the border region.

In that occasion, the heads of SDN 07 Kapot, Jidan said thank you to Mr. President RI for the assistance. “For this assistance, we are very grateful because Mr. President RI is very caring towards students who are on the border,” he said.

Through such assistance, he hopes, it will motivate student to learned in order, they become smart student.

Meanwhile, some items of assistance from President RI include: 100 test Board, 3 book examples of exam questions, 2 atlas, 2 erasers for whiteboard, a large size map of Indonesia and 2 small size maps, 4 boxes of chalk, a photo of President and Vice President of RI, 2 the frame complete with photos, 2 large photos, 2 small photos.

Then inside of 42 packages of bags, consisting of school uniforms 1 set, notebook 10 pieces, 2 drawing books, a ruler, drinking cane, box for food, shoes, hat and tie.

Not only those, inside pencil boxes, it also contains pencil, eraser, pen, sharpening, and Crayon 1 package.

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