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Cannot Be Bargained, Ex-ISIS Indonesian Citizens Must Be Faithful To Pancasila


By: Ahmad Ramadhani) *

Previously there was news that the ISIS territorial territory in Baghouz had been 100 percent conquered. Baghouz itself is a village on the banks of the Euphrates river which became the last base of ISIS forces in Syria.

The sign of ISIS’s defeat began to be seen when the SDF managed to make 3000 combatants and dozens of thousands of ISIS families surrendered in mid-March.

This also has an impact on the number of refugees that continues to increase, it is estimated, more than 72,000 civilians have left Baghouz, almost 10 times the total estimate of the UN High Commissioner for refugees.

The combatants are ISIS sympathizers from Europe, Asia, including Indonesia. Thousands of combatants are locked behind prisons, while tens of thousands of their family members, the majority of women and children, are in refugee camps in Syria.

Those who left their homeland were captivated by the banner of the ISIS caliphate, they also gave up their future lives as citizens without a state, were rejected by the country where they were anchored, and were considered enemies of the destination country.
Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said that Indonesian citizens who support ISIS to return to Indonesia must be accompanied by their pledges to support Indonesia. He said that if Indonesia is still a supporter of ISIS, it is better not to go back to Indonesia.

Ryamizard said that the pledge to return to the country also applies to women and children. He did not want to take risks because he gave different treatment to children and women from former ISIS.

In addition, his party also stressed that all former ISIS who wished to return to Indonesia must make an oral and written agreement. The former ISIS promised to be loyal to the Pancasila. If he has promised, he is sure that Indonesia will accept the former ISIS.

This is something very important, ex-ISIS people who want to go back to Indonesia, don’t just want to go home because they don’t feel at home in Syria, they also have to be loyal to Pancasila and be tolerant of the differences that exist in Indonesia. If necessary, the government is also documenting their national insight about Indonesia.

Ryamizard said that Indonesia is a humanitarian nation, but if we come people bomb it right away, bombing here will be damaged later. For this reason, he asked the Ex-Isis not to do anything.

The news also received a response from a Psychologist and Director of Kasandra Associates Kasandra Putranto, who did not deny the potential danger if the wife and child of ex-combatants and sympathizers returned to Indonesia. They have the potential to develop extreme attitudes as a result of their social environment while in Syria.

However, Kasandra, who is accustomed to being a clinical psychologist and examining the psychocological conditions of these terrorist suspects, reminded that not all of the children and wives of these ex-combatants and sympathizers intend to become ISIS soldiers while going to Syria.

This is because, some of them just want to live on land that upholds the Islamic Shari’ah kaffah. Not all sympathizers are war soldiers.

Meanwhile, in one of the refugee camps that are the territory of the Kurdish army, there are 38 citizens of ISIS sympathizers, according to an official from the National Counterterrorism Agency. The 38 Indonesian citizens are women and children.

Kurdish authorities claim to be overwhelmed in handling ISIS refugees from these foreign nationals. He called on home countries to repatriate them because they were considered to be a burden on Kurdish authorities.

The Indonesian state is also one of 54 countries that contributed ISIS sympathizers in Iraq and Syria, considering repatriating 38 Indonesian citizens in the Kurdish refugee camp.

Returning ISIS sympathizers certainly requires an awareness, because after all, when someone has chosen to join ISIS, he no longer believes in the sovereignty of the state or the symbol of the state.

The terms of the Ministry of Defense seem to be something that makes sense, given that all Indonesian citizens must recognize that the Pancasila is the basis of the country. So when they arrived in the country, they did not spread the doctrine which could damage the sense of national unity.

) * The author is a social security observer

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