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Jokowi’s Role in Maintaining Pancasila and the Threat of Radicalism


By: Karina Angguni *

Several years ago, the government under the leadership of Joko Widodo had removed the existence of the Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) community organization. This dissolution was carried out because HTI’s vision and mission were considered to be contrary to the basic foundation of the country.

President Jokowi also said that the dissolution of HTI mass organizations was not an arbitrary act, the dissolution was also based on long-term observations.

“The government has studied for a long time, has experienced and also input from many groups of scholars and society.” Said Jokowi.
Revocation was carried out as a follow-up to Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2017 which changed Law Number 17 of 2013 concerning community organizations.

Although HTI AD / ART is based on Pancasila, but in the facts on the ground, HTI activities and activities are many that conflict with the Pancasila and the soul of the NKRI.
This has become clear evidence that Jokowi is serious in fighting radicalism in Indonesia and his concrete efforts in maintaining the Pancasila ideology.

In addition, Jokowi also played a role in establishing the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP). This follows President Jokowi’s decision to equalize the work unit to be equal to the ministry.

Member of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Board (BPIP) Mahfud MD explained the background of the formation of BPIP. According to him, BPIP was formed because of a threat to the ideology of the Pancasila.

According to Mahfud, the threat was radical movements that wanted to replace Pancasila with other ideologies. This is based on the results of a survey which states that 9 percent of Indonesians do not agree with the Pancasila ideology. According to him, although only 9 percent, it can damage the country.

“The survey results of 9 percent of the Indonesian people did not agree with the Pancasila ideology. It’s small, but 9 percent of 250 million is about 25 million. “If that all shouted using social media, this country would be damaged,” said Mahfud.

According to Mahfud, the number is growing because there are still people who do not know the value of Pancasila. To overcome this, BPIP was formed as a unit that helped the president in relation to ideology.

The existence of BPIP also received a positive response from the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, who considered that the existence of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency was very necessary to counter the threat of radicalism that undermined the nation.

He also explained that BPIP is a strategic institution that is considered capable of mainstreaming Pancasila ideology with the community through socialization efforts.
This means that if there is a radical understanding that wants to replace Pancasila as the basis of the state, we have to fight. This was final on March 1, 1945 during the BPUPKI trial, the speech of President Soekarno on June 1 and on June 22, 1945, the ideology of our country was established, namely Pancasila through the Jakarta charter, therefore the Pancasila ideology must be maintained.

Of course Jokowi’s commitment to maintaining the Pancasila ideology need not be doubted. The dissolution of HTI is a clear proof of Jokowi’s firmness towards those who threaten the Pancasila ideology.
So what about the actions of various mass organizations ahead of the 2019 General Election, those who aspire to recite the Caliphate, in fact provide support by throwing the hashtag # 2019 for the President’s Change.

Their movement is currently massive and active, on the streets and in cyberspace, they are ferociously shouting for the President, even though in fact they have the mission of ‘NKRI Bersyariah’ which can threaten unity in Indonesia.

The community certainly knows the various FPI track records that sometimes become the culprit of anxiety in the community.
Then we certainly get a big question mark, why are conservative organizations like FPI behind Prabowo to win the political contest on April 17?

Could this have something to do with the 212 movement which at that time managed to put Ahok in prison? These questions will certainly give rise to various assumptions and create new questions that require a lot of references.

In choosing a leader, of course there must be leaders who want to maintain and care for the Pancasila ideology, with the diversity that exists in Indonesia, of course the attitude of radicalism and intolerance should not flourish in a diverse country.

Protecting the Pancasila means tantamount to protecting our own country, then if there are organizations that are anti-Pancasila why they are behind the presidential candidates, naturally it is natural that the question arises, how Pancasila is the figure, we wait for the answer to the 4th debate.

*) Political Observer

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