Supports Government To Complete The Rohingya Problems
By: Mirwan Achmad)*
The issue of Rohingnya, has existed for a long time. The impact of the conflict in Myanmar is also felt in Indonesia. This is because Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim…
中国国企紫光集团(Tsinghua Unigroup Ltd.)斥资240亿美元兴建的国内首座先进存储芯片厂。中国政府希望成为全球芯片市场的主要玩家,紫光集团的新厂就是这项计划的一部分。这引起了美国政府的警觉。
在上海以北,人口160万的盐城一派繁荣,当地有韩国汽车制造商起亚汽车公司(Kia Motors Co., 000270.SE)的中国厂区,但在全球化背景下,这座城市也在提醒人们:中国无法在不牺牲国内工人和合作企业利益的情况下对外国公司进行惩罚。…
福特汽车任命Key Safety首席执行长为中国业务负责人
福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co., F)挖角了汽车安全部件生产商Key Safety Systems Inc.的首席执行长,该生产商正在收购深陷安全气囊丑闻的日本高田公司(Takata Corp.)。
Key Safety首席执行长Jason Luo将加入福特汽车,负责该公司在中国地区的业务,包括其近期宣布成立的电动车合资公司。…
Unity That Beyond Political Rivalry
By: Muhammad Iman)*
We still many times misunderstand the real meaning of independence for just balap karung and panjat pinang, setting-up banners around neighborhood, or even just…
Anticipating Wildfire In 2017
By: Muhammad Iman)*
Wildfire… What is the first thing that appears on your mind when you hear about wildfire? Air pollution? Respiratory disorders? Or perhaps scorched forest? For myself, I…
Village Counselors, Optimalization Of Village Development
By: Mirwan Achmad)*
The Jokowi-JK Government has a priority agenda that is "Building Indonesia from the Suburbs by Strengthening the Regions and Villages in the Framework of the Unitary…
Wisely Respond Hoax
By: Muhammad Iman)*
Worried…… Maybe that is the most suitable word to illustrate the current social media conditions. Everyday I can find thousands of hoax in my social media timeline…
8月21日晚,中国航天员中心烟台海上训练基地里气氛轻松欢乐。 此次训练中,原本“上九天揽月”的航天员们,在风浪中大显身手,从出舱入水、攀爬登艇到直升机悬吊,演练了整套海上救生流程。“中国航天员训练的质量跟欧洲一样高。”德国航天员马蒂亚斯·约瑟夫说,“希望经常能和中国朋友一起训练。”