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Poverty and Radicalism

By : Widya Caterine )*  Jakarta – CIDISS. Radicalism and Terrorism action can arise because of the poverty and sense of lonely .Poverty have an impact on the understanding and low of…

Religion Is Not to Provoke

By : Widya Caterine )*  Jakarta – CIDISS. The number of cases of religious backgrounds seem as though this coloring 2016. The issue raises the issue of racist and religious issues getting…


美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)发布新的规则,要求电动汽车在低速行驶时发出警告音,以警告行人。 NHTSA表示,电池驱动车辆在低速行驶时噪音很低,对行人构成威胁,所以新规则是必要的。 当车辆以较高速度行驶时,轮胎摩擦和风产生的噪音较大,足以提醒行人。…