Waste Pool of Lahai Coal Corp leak
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Acid contents of Briwit River in district of Laung tuhup, Murung Raya regency is dangerous enough, not only for human, but also for flora and fauna in there. It…
The minister of Tourism achieved the most Beautiful Diving Destination 2016 DRT Taiwan
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Good News from Indonesia for the world. Indonesia achieved award in International event. Now, it’s comes from Diving category. In the event of Diving and Resort…
中新网上海6月13日 (记者 陈静)上海市食药安委副主任、市食药安办主任阎祖强13日披露,今年1-4月,上海食品药品监管部门共开展食品安全监督检查14.3万户次,立案查处违法案件1567件,罚没款1600万元人民币。…
People of Gunung Mas enthusiastic visit development expo arena
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – In the celebration day of Gunung Mas regency the 14 on 21 June 2016, Government of Gunung Mas Regency held many events. One of them is development expo in…
Swisscontact plot the map of tourism destination around Tanjung Puting National Park
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Tanjung Puting National Park also known as TNTP. It can be as way to promote tourism place around TNTP. Tourist who has known TNTP, the main tourism destination…
新疆: 斋月期间餐厅歇业不受干涉
流亡组织世界维吾尔代表大会(World Uyghur Congress)发言人迪里夏提(Dilxat Raxit)提醒外界关注新疆政府控制维吾尔文化和伊斯兰宗教的行为,并呼吁美国方面在下周一开幕的中美战略与经济对话期间向北京施压。…
Strengthening Cooperation Indonesia-Australia Against Terorrism
By: Agus )*
Terrorism is still an issue and a global threat, following with that, Indonesia and Australia have strengthened cooperation through "Australia-Indonesia Ministerial Council on…
Governor of Central Kalimantan Decided 8 Mission of Regional Development
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS - Governor / vice governor of Central Kalimantan (kalteng) Province Sugianto Sabran – Habib Said Ismail has been inaugurate on Wednesday (25/5) in Jakarta…
德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)于6月12-14日对中国进行正式访问,她表示将会向中国表达对其钢铁产业和新的境外非政府组织(NGO)管理法的关注。