Uber中国在8月底刚刚完成了12亿美元融资。仅不到一个月后, Uber中国正寻求扩大融资规模至25亿美元。
为了实现中国区的业务增长,Uber于今年6月正式启动了在中国的第一轮融资。Uber公司本身也已投入大量资金,致力于中国区的业务发展。Uber公司CEO Travis Kalanick在致投资者的电邮中称,Uber业务规模最大的10个城市中,有四个都在中国。…
Warning : Issue Reveal Disintegration Nation
Oleh: Judit Arkasa*)
A week ago the CIA open secret memo that could reveal the events of 1965 in Indonesia. In the secret memo, dated October 1, 1965, described the kidnapping of six…
台风“杜鹃”登陆台湾, 沿海地区将有大到暴雨
Transnational Crime Becomes the Key Issues for ASEAN under Malaysia’s Chairmanship
The 10th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC) 2015 in Kuala Lumpur has agreed to increase the region’s attention to transnational crime.
Malaysian Deputy Prime…
Reunderstanding Pancasila: Ideology, Actions, or merely a Dream?
It has been 30 years the Indonesians commemorates the Pancasila Sanctity Day that is now renamed as the Commemoration of the National Tragedy due to the Betrayal of Pancasila. This is an…
Jokowi: President of Indonesian Republic Visited Central Kalimantan
Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS- Central Kalimantan is capped the haze, finally got serious concern by Central Government. Idul Adha (Sacrifice day) was on last Thursday (24/9)…
Foreign Interest Behind OPM’s Maneuver
By: Sumitro Husada*)
Free Papua Movement is a separatist movement which threatens the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. They perform very extreme ways in…