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Smart Election from Caring Youth Against Hoax


By: Muhammad Syukri Zam Zami

The hoax news that circulated caused a mistrust of the younger generation towards the candidates. Of course this is fatal with the growth and rise of abstentions among the youth. Imagine if there were still a lot of false news, then more and more people, especially young people who were spouted by utterances of hatred.

There are hoaxes or hoaxes due to a group that is too fond or fanatical about their choices, and wants them to get a victory or a profit that justifies the method by dropping their opponents with hoaxes that cause division.
False news has the power to change and strengthen the attitudes or perceptions that young people have about something. It could be disagreement with certain policies, certain people, certain groups, and vice versa.

As a young man should be able to respond intelligently to the news. Hoax. Do not justify the news that the source is unclear, just because it is in accordance with what he believes, then the desire to check the truth first becomes reduced. So provoked by massive hoaxes spread on social media.
There is a great danger that is able to threaten if the spreader of false news and slander is not taken firmly. The big danger in question can threaten the unity and unity of the Indonesian people.

The use of hoaks with the content of racial issues, must be a concern of the community so that they do not want to be used again for certain interests. The ability to create false news that is far more and faster than its prevention and eradication efforts, must be anticipated by the provision of digital and non-digital literacy, so that people are able to distinguish hoaxes and not easily provoked provocation that can inflame conflict. For that, it’s time for young people to fight hoaxes and use voting rights intelligently, reject Golput’s invitation by not being influenced by hoaxes and hate speech, let’s succeed in the 2019 peaceful election and keep national unity.

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