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The Millennial Movement Is Not Afraid to Choose for the Success of the 2019 Election and Indonesian Development


By: Mahmud Aridona *

Election is a five-year event held to continue national leadership for the next five years. When the climate of elections which is damaged by the rise of hoax news that seeks to delegitimize the results of development and intimidation of voters so they do not dare to choose their choices, it can be ascertained that the sustainability of national leadership in this country will not run well and is feared to hinder the success of Indonesia’s development. For this reason, it is expected that Warganet’s role with the community must continue to voice the movement not to be afraid of choosing and opposing hoaxes and reject Golput for the success of a quality and peaceful 2019 Election.

We must use our voting rights intelligently. There are so many ways that we can use our voting rights intelligently. One of them is political literacy. There are many out there who are quite concerned with politics, but their numbers are still less than those who are not concerned with the political problems in this country.
This is certainly very disturbing and it is unfortunate that in the next few years the leadership of this country will be given to those selected in the General Election event.

When the majority of Indonesians do not care about political issues, their voices will be utilized by irresponsible people who have bad intentions hidden behind their appearance who look neat, polite, and tend to be seen intellectually.

That is why from now on we have to foster our concern in political issues in Indonesia. If when we are politically literate, we will not be easily fooled by the sweet words of irresponsible people, because we can analyze the trackbrecord and achievements of candidates and we can examine the rationality of the programs offered and the optimism offered is not only continue to sell soy sauce and scare, because the future belongs to the current millennials so that we must intelligently and courageously use our suffrage to continue Indonesia’s development.

Political literacy fosters your confidence, so you dare to choose leaders who want to advance Indonesia in the future. From the shoulders of the military there is a high sense of optimism, so that all join hands support the continuation of national development and leadership. With political literacy and using voting rights intelligently, it means that we have participated in the success of the 2019 election. Let’s oppose a hoax that is misleading and let us reject Golput provocation with us not afraid to choose good leaders with sincere hard work for the success of sustainable development.

*) Bloggers / Alumni of the University of North Sumatra

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