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Academics Appreciate AMANAH’s Presence as a Driver of the Local Economy


By: Malik Farhan*

Academics expressed their appreciation that the presence of the Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Center Building (AMANAH) was able to become a driving force for the sustainability and operation of the local economy so that the local community also increased their welfare and standard of living.

Of course, the presence of superior and strategic programs from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through the initiation of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), namely AMANAH, brings many very positive benefits to all elements of society and various sectors or areas of life, including the economy.

With the existence of the Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Center Building (AMANAH), the economy of all communities in the area nicknamed Rencong Country will become more active so that they can enjoy a direct positive impact on improving their standard of living.

Chairman of the Business Development Agency of Syiah Kuala University (USK), Syaifullah Muhammad stated that the presence of AMANAH along with all its complete facilities could certainly become a new economic driver in Aceh so that it would really help the community.

A superior and strategic program initiated by the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan is very helpful to the whole community, especially the young generation who will continue the nation in the field of start-up business.

With the presence of the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul and Besar central building, which is very multifunctional, we can continue to improve the abilities of all local youth in various fields for economic development such as creative industries and entrepreneurship.

However, of course AMANAH’s benefits are not only that, but other fields for the next generation of young people continue to increase, starting from research and technology, education, literacy, culture and also language.

Many parties also think the same thing, that with the BIN initiation program it is able to increasingly become a driver of the new economy, especially for local young people who are very interested in the world of start-up business so that it really helps the youth economy, especially in terms of commercializing superior local products. like patchouli.

In an effort to encourage the movement of the local economy, AMANAH is implementing a Business Class Mentoring program which discusses scaling up with great branding, or how to develop a business with good branding.

It doesn’t just stop there, AMANAH also provides training to the younger generation regarding how to create good and correct content in the digital world so that it can attract many potential consumers, then what attractive packaging techniques and marketing strategies for wider business marketing look like.

Meanwhile, the Acting Regent of Aceh Besar, Muhammad Iswanto, revealed that the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Center Building or Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) has very complete and adequate facilities to continue to support the independent development of local youth.

Thanks to the presence of AMANAH, the next generation of people from Aceh are now able to receive various forms of training which are very beneficial for their future to further increase their independence, competence and professionalism so that they can become business people or young entrepreneurs.

Not only does it educate and introduce young people to become successful entrepreneurs, but the government’s strategic flagship program in the context of empowering young human resources (HR) also continues to encourage the relevance of young people so that they learn about digital product marketing, including utilization of technology development for their business.

So that in this way, these young people can grow into successors who are able to make a positive contribution in driving the new economy in Aceh but still with relevance to keep up with developments in today’s digital world.

Furthermore, in order to encourage new local economic movements, AMANAH also carries out an activity entitled Aceh Digital Innovation and Creativity Techfest (ADICT) which continues to help the development of local regional start-up companies.

Muammar Gaddafi, as one of the mentors in ADICT activities, explained that in fact, quite a few local startups from the area nicknamed Veranda of Mecca have extraordinary potential. However, they still really need support and encouragement to create a proper ecosystem. So in other words, even though the idea is good, AMANAH is here as a forum to further direct these ideas.

Due to the seriousness of the Government’s commitment through the initiation of BIN in the program to increase the empowerment of young human resources, the training always presents mentors consisting of practitioners and experts who have positive track records in their respective fields to help young people continue to develop.

Therefore, because of these various concrete efforts, it is not surprising why academics consider that the presence of AMANAH is able to become a driver and driver for the continuation of the local economy.

*) Economics and Business Students at Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah)

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