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BIN Produces Young Professional Designers Through the PYCH Training Program


By : Alfred Jigibalom )*

The State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI) has succeeded in producing very professional young designers. The fashion designer and fashion world activist was born through training in the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) program.

With the birth of successor designers from among the younger generation who already have a high professional ethos, it will clearly have a very good impact on the development of the local area so that it becomes more advanced and has an influence on the development of the nation’s progress.

All of these things cannot be separated from BIN’s efforts with its various superior strategic programs, including PYCH which is able to help the young generation in the area nicknamed Bumi Cenderawasih develop further.

For your information, on Tuesday 23 July 2024, there will be a fashion show by young designers assisted by the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan via PYCH. This activity was an opportunity to prove how the work of fashion activists trained by BIN deserves high appreciation.

Not only does it just produce work in the form of good fashion designs, but what’s even more interesting is that the young designers trained by the Papua Youth Creative Hub also display the diversity of their regional culture to make it more widely known to the public, one of which is a young man who wears the typical Noken of Bumi Cenderawasih. . Not only that, they also showed the extraordinary natural beauty of the archipelago through the designs that young Papuan people wore at the Fashion Show.

They presented the fashion results from the designers trained by BIN through the PYCH program directly in front of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), thereby succeeding in making the Head of State feel very impressed. The young generation who are the successors of the nation from the region nicknamed Little Heaven that Fell to Earth indeed shows that they have received a very good upbringing so they are very ready to compete in the future.

Through the PYCH program, BIN strives to educate young people who are not only academically smart, but also become the nation’s next generation with insight and strong national character. The children’s appearance at the Fashion Show to welcome National Children’s Day (HAN) 2024 in Papua also managed to set a record recorded in the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI).

The increase in creativity that they experience is a very important capital for the young generation of the nation’s successors in Papua to further bring the Earth of Cenderawasih forward. Therefore, the local Regional Government (Pemda) and all elements of society must provide full support to BIN’s efforts to advance the young generation of Papua through the PYCH Program.

This is because the PYCH program is also able to develop creative industries in Indonesia through the role of children. At the same time, PYCH is able to become a forum and provide complete facilities for young people to continue to develop and learn so that their potential can further develop.

In order to celebrate National Children’s Day (HAN) 2024, PYCH is also collaborating with Gramedia. According to Yosua Somnaikubun as Sales Supervisor of Gramedia Jayapura, this activity is useful for developing the interests and talents of local young people. In this festival there are also several other activities such as photography and support for MSMEs in Jayapura City. With these various activities, of course the party that has been very instrumental in increasing the competence of the younger generation is BIN through PYCH, which is a program to support the Golden Indonesia 2045 mission.

The development of creativity and various potentials in Papua is carried out through various activities that always involve the community. PYCH has also now developed rapidly by producing superior young Papuans through creative industries, agriculture and fisheries, forming young entrepreneurs, developing MSMEs and technology.

The success of PYCH in Jayapura will become a role model which is planned to be followed by other areas such as Manokwari City, West Papua. Not only that, the plan is that the Youth Creative Hub in Aceh called Amanah (Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Besar) will also be inaugurated in the near future.

The institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan has made a huge contribution to the progress and development of Papua, especially through programs to improve the quality of local young human resources (HR), thereby making Bumi Cenderawasih more advanced. One of them is PYCH which has proven successful in producing talented and professional young designers.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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