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Budi Gunawan Re-elected as PB ESI General Chair, Proof of His Leadership in Advancing Indonesian Esports


 Jakarta – The Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Police General (ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, SH, M.Sc., Ph.D., PSM, has again been entrusted to lead the Indonesian Esports Executive Board (PB ESI) for the 2024-2029 period. This decision was taken at the PB ESI National Sports Conference (Musornas) which took place on Sunday, October 6, 2024, at the InterContinental Grand Ballroom, Jakarta. The ESI chairmen from all provinces unanimously appointed Budi Gunawan to continue his leadership after approving the PB ESI accountability report for the 2020-2024 period.

The event, which took place from 10:00 to 17:00 WIB, was an important moment for the development of esports in Indonesia. With the theme “Advance Esports, Strengthen Indonesia”, the Musornas was not only an evaluation event, but also a confirmation that under Budi Gunawan’s leadership, PB ESI has been able to bring Indonesian esports to national and international achievements.

In his statement, Budi Gunawan revealed the significant development of esports, both in Indonesia and globally. 

“The global reach of esports is currently growing very rapidly. The latest data shows that the esports audience has reached more than 577 million people in 2024,” he explained.

In Indonesia itself, esports has grown rapidly as a new sport. 

“With the ecosystem that has been formed, we have succeeded in changing the negative view of society about games. Now, esports is a promising career choice, earning money and achievements at the international level,” he added. 

Budi Gunawan also emphasized that being an esports athlete is no less than other professional sports. 

“Becoming an esports athlete requires hard work, team support, cooperation, and good physical and mental health. During the PB ESI 2020-2024 management period, we have achieved many achievements both at the national and international levels,” he said.

One of the important achievements in Budi Gunawan’s leadership era is the international recognition of PB ESI as the only official esports parent organization representing Indonesia in the international esports federation. “This is the result of the hard work of Indonesia’s esports diplomacy, which is increasingly recognized as a global force,” he said.

In addition, PB ESI has carried out various important initiatives such as the establishment of an esports academy with the Garudaku Academy, as well as a national-scale training program for coaches and referees. 

“Currently we have 73 referees and 123 esports coaches who are accredited up to the international level,” added Budi Gunawan.

Deputy Chairman III of KONI, Major General TNI Ret. Andri Sutarno, also expressed his appreciation for Budi Gunawan’s leadership. 

“Esports has successfully made history at the 21st PON in Aceh-North Sumatra 2024 as one of the sports contested. This is an extraordinary achievement of PB ESI under the leadership of General Budi Gunawan,” said Andri Sutarno.

He also added that the solidity of administrators at the national, provincial and regional levels must continue to be improved through collaboration programs, ongoing competitions and quality training. 

“I hope that PB ESI will continue to advance in continuing the achievements of Indonesian esports and bring this industry further forward,” he said.

Expert Staff for Sports Culture of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ir. Hamka Hendra Noer, M.Si., also shared his views. According to him, esports has made history as a sport that is competed in various international events. 

“At the 2023 SEA Games in Cambodia, Indonesia managed to emerge as the overall champion for the esports branch. This certainly adds to our pride,” said Hamka.

He added that this achievement was inseparable from Budi Gunawan’s leadership. 

“This success is the result of good achievement coaching under PB ESI for the 2020-2024 period. We hope that this achievement can continue and even shine brighter in the next management period,” explained Hamka.

The 2024 PB ESI Musornas is an important momentum to set a new direction for the development of esports in Indonesia in the future. Budi Gunawan hopes that the new management will continue its commitment to achieving more international achievements and strengthening the esports ecosystem at the national level. 

“We also hope that the new management will continue to support the development of local games that can compete in the international market,” he concluded.

The event continued with a Gala Dinner at 18.30 WIB which was enlivened by the performance of the music group Padi Reborn. Thus, the PB ESI Musornas is not only an event to elect new leadership, but also proof of PB ESI’s success in building a strong and competitive esports ecosystem.

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