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Gradual Deradicalization Successful, Jemaah Islamiyah Officially Disbanded


*) By: Andi Setiawan

Deradicalization is a complex and time-consuming process, but the results achieved can bring significant changes in maintaining the stability and security of a country. Indonesia, which has long faced the challenge of threats from Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), has now succeeded in reducing this terrorist group. After intensive and continuous deradicalization efforts, Jemaah Islamiyah was finally disbanded.

Jemaah Islamiyah is an Islamic militant group founded in the early 1990s with the aim of establishing an Islamic state in Southeast Asia. The group is responsible for a number of major terrorist attacks, including the 2002 Bali Bombings which killed more than 200 people. Their terror activities not only cause loss of life and material, but also create fear and instability in society. For years, the Indonesian government together with the international community have attempted to eradicate this group through arrests, prosecutions and de-radicalization efforts.

Terrorism observer from the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN), Zaki Mubarak, said that the dissolution of the JI organization is considered to have a major impact on the map of the threat of terrorism in the country. Because, as an organization that is considered quite strong in terms of institutions and number of members, JI has been successfully disbanded. During this time, JI changed the movement’s orientation and strategy by no longer carrying out attacks, whether killings or bombings, but by spreading da’wah, building the human resources of its members, strengthening the economy, and military training. So, the dissolution of the JI organization will increase the level of national security. With the disappearance of one of Indonesia’s most dangerous terrorist groups, the threat of a major terrorist attack is reduced. This provides a sense of security for the community and allows the government to focus more on preventing radicalization and new threats that may emerge.

The official dissolution of Jemaah Islamiyah is clear evidence of the success of the deradicalization program in Indonesia. Many former members have now returned to society and are living peaceful lives. They participate in social and economic activities, helping to create a safer and more stable environment. This success also improves Indonesia’s image in the eyes of the world as a country capable of overcoming extremism through a humane and sustainable approach.

The Indonesian government played a key role in the success of this deradicalization. Through coordination between the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) in collaboration with various institutions, including the police, TNI and community organizations, to carry out a deradicalization program. The government is also working with clerics and religious figures to provide enlightenment to former extremists. Apart from that, support from family and society is also very important in helping former terrorist members to adapt and return to normal life.

However, the deradicalization process does not go without challenges. Some former members still face stigma from society, and others have difficulty finding work. In addition, the threat of extremism still exists, with the emergence of new groups trying to spread radical ideologies. Therefore, deradicalization efforts must continue to be carried out consistently and adaptively, taking into account the changing social and political dynamics.

Special Staff to the Minister of Religion for Radicalism and Intolerance, Nuruzzaman, said that the deradicalization approach carried out by Densus 88 Anti-terror Police should be appreciated so that the dissolution of Al-Jamaah Al-Islamiyah or JI could occur. The security forces’ success in dismantling this organization shows extraordinary resilience and dedication in fighting terrorism. They face great risks in operations to arrest and raid JI members, often facing dangerous situations. Their courage and perseverance ensured that the terrorist threat was contained and eliminated, providing a sense of security to the community.

The deradicalization program carried out by BNPT and other related institutions is an important component in disbanding JI. A holistic approach that includes education, skills training and social reintegration helps former JI members return to society. Security forces work with religious leaders, psychologists and communities to provide necessary support to former extremists. This success shows the effectiveness of a humane approach in fighting radical ideology.

Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC) senior advisor Sidney Jones said the disbandment was “the culmination of a long step towards ending JI’s existence as a covert organization, and operating openly in the interests of spreading and educating Islam. However, the potential for the emergence of new groups is expected to occur. Surely some in JI will see it as a betrayal. So, the government needs to remain vigilant after this Deradicalization declaration.

However, through a holistic approach, government support, and active community participation, Indonesia has shown that the challenge of terrorism can be overcome in a humane and sustainable way. However, these efforts must continue, with adaptation to new dynamics and a strong commitment to maintaining national security and stability. This success is an inspiration for other countries facing similar threats, that with determination and the right strategy, peace and security can be achieved.

*) The author is a student living in Surabaya

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