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Inaugurating AMANAH, President Jokowi: I Am Amazed by the Creativity of Aceh’s Young People


Aceh – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the AMANAH Youth Creative Hub in Aceh, which was initiated to develop the creative potential of young people in the region. President Jokowi expressed his admiration for the innovation and creativity of Acehnese youth who he considered to be very classy and highly competitive.

“I am truly amazed by the innovation and creativity of young people in Aceh, especially in the field of Muslim fashion and design. In my opinion, this is very classy,” said President Jokowi when inaugurating the AMANAH Youth Creative Hub, Aceh Besar, Tuesday (15/10/2024).

President Jokowi emphasized that in order for this creativity to continue to develop, it is important to maintain consistency in honing this innovation.

“The leap has been extraordinary. It remains to be seen how this can be continuously honed to produce new innovations,” he added.

President Jokowi hopes that the Youth Creative Hub model can be replicated in all provinces in Indonesia to encourage the development of the creative economy nationally.

“I really appreciate the initiative from BIN that has prepared this. We hope that in all provinces there will be Creative Hubs like this,” concluded President Jokowi.

AMANAH Youth Creative Hub is a creativity center designed to facilitate Acehnese youth in various creative sectors, from fashion, crafts, to agricultural-based products. One of the leading products highlighted in this inauguration is patchouli oil, Aceh’s mainstay commodity that has penetrated the international market.

Previously, the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Police General (ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, SH, M.Sc., Ph.D, also gave a speech as the initiator of the establishment of AMANAH Aceh. Budi Gunawan or commonly called BG explained that the initiative to establish the AMANAH Youth Creative Hub was a direct directive from President Jokowi after inaugurating the Papua Youth Creative Hub some time ago.

“AMANAH Youth Creative Hub is the brainchild of President Joko Widodo for young people in Aceh. His order was given directly when inaugurating the Papua Youth Creative Hub. This shows his love for young people, both in the East and West of Indonesia,” said Budi Gunawan.

Budi also added that President Jokowi had directly reviewed the products produced by AMANAH, especially patchouli oil, whose quality is recognized as one of the best in the world.

“Large perfume producers rely heavily on patchouli from Aceh. The market is already directly to France, the world’s perfume center,” he explained.

AMANAH Youth Creative Hub is expected to be a catalyst for Aceh’s creative economy, while also providing space for the younger generation to develop their potential and innovation to be able to compete in the global market.

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