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Maintain Harmony, Welcome the Regional Elections with the Spirit of Unity


By: Tyas Permata Wiyana)*

All elements of society should be able to work together to maintain harmony even in the midst of differences in choice and welcome the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) which is an important moment in the history of Indonesian democracy with enthusiasm and joy.

This political contestation event is not only about choosing local leaders, but also becomes a forum for the community to show political maturity in facing differences in choice.

The presence of Pilkada which takes place every five years is a symbol of a healthy and participatory democracy, where the people’s voice determines the future of their region. Amidst various preparations, maintaining social harmony and welcoming the democratic party with a joyful spirit is the responsibility of all parties.

The Ministry of Religious Affairs in various regions has also taken steps to maintain harmony between communities ahead of the Regional Head Elections. The Head of the Subulussalam Ministry of Religious Affairs Office, Marwan, firmly called for the importance of maintaining harmony amid differences in political choices.

For him, the Pilkada is an opportunity for the people to channel their right to vote freely, but in an atmosphere that remains cheerful and full of joy. Marwan assessed that the Pilkada is not a moment to create division or dispute, but rather to strengthen unity.

The public is invited to remain focused on the main objective of the democratic party, namely to elect leaders who are able to bring progress to their region, without needing to debate political choices in a negative manner.

Marwan also appreciated the high level of public participation in the previous Pilkada which took place safely and peacefully. He is confident that with the same spirit of harmony, the 2024 Pilkada will be able to run smoothly and be an example for other regions throughout Indonesia.

Cooperation between elements of society, from religious figures, community leaders, to security forces, is very important to create a conducive atmosphere during the Regional Head Election process. Through ongoing education, it is hoped that the community will be wiser in understanding that differences in political choices should not be a reason to break the bonds of brotherhood.

Various parties are also making similar efforts throughout the region, including in Kediri, efforts to maintain public security and order are also being carried out continuously by local security forces.

Kediri City Police through Harkamtibmas patrols routinely secure strategic areas to ensure the situation remains conducive. AKP Nanang Sugianto explained that the step was taken to prevent potential security disturbances that could damage the atmosphere of the democratic party.

According to him, the presence of security forces is not only to maintain order, but also to provide a sense of security to the community so that they can participate with a cheerful spirit.

Nanang said that the patrol also aims to foster a sense of shared responsibility among the community, that maintaining security is a shared responsibility, not just the task of the authorities alone.

Patrols carried out by the Kediri City Police also serve to minimize street crimes such as theft and robbery that may occur during the period leading up to the regional elections.

With regular patrols, the community is expected to be more vigilant and guard their surroundings. Coordination with local security officers and community leaders is also continuously strengthened, to ensure that any potential disturbances can be prevented as early as possible.

This step has proven effective in creating a sense of security and comfort for Kediri residents, which is expected to provide an example for other regions in welcoming the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections with enthusiasm.

Then at the national level, calls to maintain harmony and the spirit of togetherness were also voiced by political figures. The General Chair of PAN, Zulkifli Hasan or Zulhas, emphasized the importance of celebrating the Pilkada with joy and mutual respect.

Zulhas views Pilkada as a democratic party that should be celebrated with joy, without hate speech or hostility. Differences in political choices, for him, are normal and should not be used as a reason to criticize each other or trigger conflict among each other.

Zulhas also invited the public to maintain friendship even though they support different candidates. According to him, the essence of democracy is to give freedom to every individual to choose according to their conscience, without having to pressure or blame others.

Zulhas believes that the democratic party in Indonesia has grown to be more mature, where people increasingly understand the importance of maintaining harmony amidst differences. The 2024 Pilkada is a golden opportunity for all Indonesian people to show that democracy at the local level can run peacefully, lively, and full of optimism.

A healthy democracy is when every party, whether the winner or the loser, is able to accept the results with an open heart and maintain unity among each other.

Maintaining harmony during the campaign period and the implementation of the Pilkada is very important to create conditions that are conducive to a fair and honest political process. In various regions, people continue to show that differences in choice do not have to be an obstacle to unity.

On the contrary, these differences can be a force that enriches the democratic process and makes the local political contestation more dynamic and inclusive. The presence of community leaders, security forces, and religious organizations that actively play a role in maintaining social stability is also one of the main factors in the success of the Pilkada in many regions.

Through the spirit of mutual cooperation, mutual respect, and celebrating differences with joy, the 2024 Pilkada is expected to be an important momentum in strengthening national unity. People from various circles have shown that the Pilkada is not only about choosing a leader, but also about celebrating a just and peaceful democracy.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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