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President Jokowi’s Presence at IKN Proves Development Stages According to Plan


By Septian Kusnoadi )*

The presence of President Joko Widodo in the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) recently became an important symbol that the IKN development stages are running according to plan. President Jokowi’s presence not only proves the government’s seriousness in realizing this major project, but also sends a positive message to the public and business actors regarding the potential of the IKN as a new center of government and economy in the future.

The Indonesian Capital Authority (OIKN) stated that infrastructure development in the IKN includes various vital facilities. The government office and housing complexes are almost complete, the road network has been formed, and the water, electricity, and telecommunications systems are starting to be integrated. Thomas Umbu Pati Tena Bolodadi, a representative from OIKN, stated that the multi-utility tunnel connecting various facilities in the IKN is also almost complete. In addition to basic infrastructure funded by the APBN, non-APBN private projects such as hotels, hospitals, schools, and transportation are also moving quickly. This shows the synergy between the public and private sectors in building the IKN as a modern city that is ready to accommodate government and business activities.

The development of the IKN is not only focused on physical infrastructure, but also on the development of smart city and green city concepts . This concept reflects Indonesia’s commitment to the net zero emission goal. One of the main projects in supporting this concept is the construction of a 50 MW Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in the IKN by PLN Nusantara Power. Currently, the project has reached 10 MW of the planned 50 MW target. This project will provide an environmentally friendly electricity supply for the IKN and support the creation of a sustainable green city.

One of the main infrastructures being built in the IKN is the Nusantara Airport. Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, reported that the construction of the airport runway has reached 1,975 meters and is targeted to reach 2,200 meters in the near future. Although there were weather constraints that caused slight delays, the overall progress of the airport reached 74.79 percent by the end of June 2024. The runway , VVIP terminal, VIP terminal, and other supporting facilities are being built rapidly, and the airport is expected to be ready for operation by the end of 2024.

The development of Nusantara Airport is an integral part of the transportation strategy in the IKN. This facility will be a gateway for government officials, businessmen, and tourists visiting the IKN, facilitating accessibility and mobility in the new capital city area. The supporting road infrastructure to the airport has also been built more than 50 percent, with the main access almost complete, which accelerates transportation integration in the IKN.

Optimism regarding the development of the IKN does not only come from the government, but also from business people. Co-Founder of Hotel Qubika, Ferry Angkawidjaya, expressed his admiration for the rapid development of the IKN which in just 2 to 3 years has reached a very adequate condition. This motivated his party to build the Qubika Hotel, the first three-star hotel in the IKN which will provide 206 rooms and other facilities. By implementing the go green and eco-friendly concept, the Qubika Hotel supports the government’s vision in creating a sustainable green city in the IKN. The use of recycled materials such as used containers in the construction of this hotel reflects their commitment to the environment.

President Jokowi’s presence at the IKN brings new optimism for the success of this project. President Jokowi is not only present as a symbol of strong and consistent leadership, but also as a form of full support for the progress of the IKN development. On various occasions, President Jokowi has always emphasized the importance of the development of this new capital city as an effort to equalize development outside Java. His presence is proof that this project is not just a dream or discourse, but is on the right track and is heading towards the final stage.

The IKN development project that continues to be worked on day and night is real evidence of the government’s commitment. According to the Chairman of Commission VII of the DPR, Sugeng Suparwoto, legislators have directly monitored how the work on this project is carried out massively 24 hours a day. The APBN budget that has been allocated reaches IDR 37 trillion, showing the large investment made by the government to ensure that this capital city is realized on time.

Not only that, President Jokowi also wants to ensure that this development involves the concept of smart city and green city which are part of Indonesia’s global agenda in achieving net zero emissions. Various renewable energy projects, such as the PLTS that are being built, are real evidence that the IKN will become a modern city that is not only technologically advanced but also environmentally sustainable.

President Jokowi’s presence in the IKN confirms that the development stages of the new capital city are in accordance with the established plan. Major infrastructure such as roads, electricity, water, and telecommunications networks are almost complete. Private projects such as the Qubika Hotel and the construction of the Nusantara Airport are on target, indicating that the IKN will soon be ready to become a new environmentally friendly and sustainable center of government and economy.

Optimism from various parties, including the government, business actors, and the wider community, further strengthens the belief that the IKN will be a symbol of the success of Indonesia’s development in the future. President Jokowi’s presence at the IKN is proof that this project is not just a discourse, but has become an almost perfect reality. With all the infrastructure that continues to develop, the IKN is ready to become a modern, green, and environmentally friendly center of government, and lead Indonesia towards a brighter future.

)* the author is a student at Borneo Lestari University

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