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Ratification of the Election Perppu Becomes an Election Proof Law Cannot Be Postponed


The ratification of the Election Perppu into law is clear evidence that indeed the implementation of the election democratic party cannot be postponed at all and will continue to be carried out according to the schedule in 2024.

The DPR RI has officially ratified Perppu Number 1 of 2022 concerning changes to Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections to become Law. The ratification was carried out at the 20th DPR Plenary Meeting during Session Period IV for Session Year 2022-2023.

Chairperson of the Republic of Indonesia People’s Representative Council (DPR RI), Puan Maharani ensured that the holding of the 2024 General Election (Election) democratic party would indeed be held according to the set schedule. He expressed this certainty after he officially ratified the Government Regulation in Lieu of Election Law ( Perppu ) to become Law (UU).

When he finished the Plenary Session at the DPR RI Building, he emphasized that the 2024 Election would indeed be in line and in accordance with the existing schedule and be held on the upcoming 14 February 2024.

After the ratification of the policy, Puan Maharani hopes that the current Election Law will be able to provide legal certainty, especially regarding the implementation of elections in Indonesia. Not only that, but he also hopes that the implementation of the democratic party can run safely, comfortably and happily for the people.

The chairman of the DPR RI has long hoped that the holding of elections would not be colored by acts of mutual hostility and polarization or division among the people in carrying out this democratic party.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Information Center of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia ( Kemendagri RI), Benni Irwan revealed that the ratification of the Election Perppu to become a Law is a guarantee that the implementation of the upcoming 2024 elections will be carried out in a timely manner and will not be postponed at all .

He even continued to encourage all election organizers such as the General Election Commission (KPU), the Election Supervisory Body ( Bawaslu ) and DKPP to continue their work until 2024 . Furthermore , according to him , the regulations in the Election Perppu which were passed into law already cover all aspects of work, so that the public does not need to worry at all .

How could it not be, because the public already knew that even before the existence of the Election Perppu itself , several processes for the implementation of the 2024 elections had already been carried out, so that with the ratification of the policy it became law, so that the entire election implementation process could continue without any delay.

On a different occasion, the Deputy Chairperson of Commission II for Government Affairs at the DPR RI, Saan Mustopa explained that the ratification of the Election Perppu into a Law was intended to be able to support the 2024 Election so that it could be right and on schedule.

This is because indeed the formation of the policy is the legal basis for elections. Therefore , Perppu does need to be approved by the DPR RI . Apart from that, there is also a technical urgency related to the formation of 4 (four) New Autonomous Regions (DOB) in Papua.

So that with the ratification of the Election Perppu into law, then supporting the rapid implementation of democracy in 2024 can be in accordance with various existing changes such as the existence of new autonomous regions, the number of electoral districts to the seats.

In a similar vein, the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security ( Menko Polhukam ), Mahfud MD emphasized that absolutely no party could postpone the 2024 Election democratic party, not even the Supreme Court (MA).

Even if the Supreme Court, for example, asks to postpone the General Election, it will not be possible at all because the implementation of the General Election itself is a constitutional order. So even if any party screams , then they will absolutely not be able to delay.

Mahfud MD also added that actually the constitution is a law whose position is higher than the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the constitution itself is very clearly written that elections are held every five years. Not only that, but if indeed the election postponement is carried out, various other problems will arise in it.

The reason is that there must be an amendment to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which requires a higher cost .

Therefore , indeed , the rapid continuity of election democracy in 2024 cannot be postponed at all , and has become concrete evidence from the Government of Indonesia and also policy makers in the country with the ratification of the Election Perppu into law.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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