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Reflection on New Year’s Eve


By: Mashudi Darta) *

The end of the year is just counting seconds, many of them use the year-end holidays to just go home and celebrate the new year with their family. Almost every city welcomes the new year by holding various parties such as music concerts which end with fireworks. And many also hold various collections outside the city just to see the uproar of the new year. But actually the new year celebration which is held in a row – it turns out to be too mainstream, so there is nothing wrong if you stay at home enjoying the silence on the eve of the new year 2019.
The reception of the new year’s turn is actually just ceremonial which is too exaggerated. In fact the turn of 2019 is just the momentum that usually occurs like the change of minutes, seconds and so on.

The height of the new year certainly increases the intensity of congestion in various points, this does not rule out the possibility that this crowd also has the potential for criminal incidents that are very likely to occur such as pickpocketing. Congestion during a new year celebration also wastes a lot of time and actual energy is very futile. So there is no harm in welcoming a new year at home with your family or closest people.
If the celebration of the new year is synonymous with crowds, why not try to celebrate the new year with the concept of silence, where each of them reflects on himself without frenzied strains of musical distortion or the explosion of fireworks.

Silence at home is also good for bringing closer relationships between family members, there’s nothing wrong with playing with family or by enjoying favorite foods together, it certainly can be a means to reflect on each other’s achievements over the past year.
Even though at home you can still celebrate the new year with your family special, if your home page is large enough then use it to celebrate the turn of the New Year’s Eve by setting up camp, make a campfire if possible and enjoy the new year’s eve more intimate with family. For those of you who don’t want to be quiet while at home, you can hold a potlucky party at your home, invite them to bring snacks from home and enjoy being with the closest person. This is certainly more exciting than being stuck in a traffic jam.

Celebrating the new year at home can certainly be celebrated by experimenting with new dishes, creating various ingredients at home, utilizing the internet facilities to find recipes, besides saving this is certainly beneficial for the closeness between family members. By celebrating the new year at home, you have reduced crowds and congestion at some point. New Year’s Eve activities at home can certainly be something that is anti-streamline and doesn’t waste a lot of time, besides that the New Year’s celebration at home is an effort not to make fun of spree.

Playing playstation with your family or closest friends, make small tournaments with simple prizes. This proves that the simple new year celebration can also feel lively and certainly memorable. For men playing games is a must for most. With the widespread hobby of playing games, this activity is considered suitable to be held while waiting for the seconds of the celebration of the new year. The house is the most comfortable and safest place when New Year’s Eve, there’s nothing wrong with doing a movie watching marathon if you are a movie lover. Prepare some snacks or snacks or fresh drinks to accompany the marathon to watch a movie during a series of new year’s eve.

Choose a film that has the value of education or nationalism, if you invite the family to take part in watching a movie, then make sure the film is a suitable film to watch for all ages.
Enjoying the new year basically does not need to require an outrageous uproar. Apparently karaoke at home can also accommodate family members who have talent in the world of singing. In addition you can also sing accompanied by an acoustic guitar, but make sure the karaoke activities do not disturb the next door neighbor.
There is nothing wrong if you discuss with friends to discuss and plan a new year celebration at home, of course with a minimal budget but does not reduce the impression during the event.

So many things can be done to celebrate the new year without having to jostle in the crowd. If you are familiar with the crowded environment, then enjoy the turn of the New Year’s Eve with a quiet environment like at home with friends. Celebrating the year does not mean having to be trapped in a crowd or a crowd of people. Indeed New Year’s Eve can be used as a venue for reflection or sharing hopes for the future of self and family.

) * The author is a social media activist

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