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Religious Figures: Appreciating Jokowi’s Legacy and Realizing a Better Indonesia Together with Prabowo-Gibran!


Jakarta,– In a hopeful atmosphere, religious leaders from various organizations called on the public to appreciate the performance of President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) administration and to support the transition to a new government under elected President Prabowo Subianto and elected Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

The Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), KH. Marsudi Syuhud, stated that there are many achievements to be grateful for. “Everyone can see that a lot of infrastructure has been built, and all the necessities that are very much needed today have been constructed.” Building the welfare of the nation amidst diversity is an achievement that we should be grateful for. In fact, Indonesia, when viewed from abroad, seems very comfortable compared to countries that have not yet learned to live together. “The harmony among religious communities is going well,” he stated.

He also emphasized the importance of maintaining unity amidst differences. “We must not let our brotherhood be fractured just because of politics every five years. What matters most is that we can all support each other, even if we are different.” “I am confident that the upcoming government will be able to continue the various steps taken by previous presidents,” he added.

The Secretary-General of PP Muhammadiyah, Prof. Abdul Mu’ti, expressed appreciation for the performance of the Jokowi administration over the past ten years. “We express our appreciation for the work he has done during his 10 years leading Indonesia and the collaboration that has been established between President Jokowi and Muhammadiyah in various fields,” he said.

Prof. Abdul Mu’ti reminds the public to accept the election results as part of the democracy system that has been chosen. “The election of Prabowo and Gibran is not only a victory for them, but a victory for the Indonesian nation.” “A peaceful and orderly election is part of our maturity in democracy.”

He invites the public to give the new government a chance. “Let us give the new government the opportunity to lead the administration of the state.” “We must support the sustainability programs put forward by Prabowo-Gibran, including the improvement of community welfare and the strengthening of interfaith harmony,” he said.

In the spirit of togetherness, religious leaders hope that the community will continue to uphold unity and mutual respect, regardless of differing political views. With the support and cooperation of all elements of society, it is hoped that the government transition can proceed smoothly and lead Indonesia towards better progress.

Let us show that despite our differences, we remain united in overseeing the sustainability of development and supporting the Prabowo-Gibran programs to maintain religious harmony in Indonesia.

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