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Religious Figures Play an Important Role in Making Regional Elections Safe


By: Muhammad Farhan

Pilkada is one of the important moments in the democratic process in Indonesia. At this time, the community has the opportunity to elect a leader who will lead the region for the next few years. However, regional elections are often characterized by tension, conflict and even violence. In this context, religious figures have a crucial role in creating a safe and conducive atmosphere.

Religious figures, as spiritual leaders, have a great influence on society. An element that is respected and trusted by many people, so its voice and actions can be decisive in reducing tensions. With a wise approach, religious figures can help direct their followers to maintain peace during the campaign and voting period.

The importance of the involvement of religious figures in regional elections cannot be underestimated. Religious figures can act as mediators who encourage dialogue between groups with different views. By prioritizing the principles of tolerance and mutual respect, religious figures play a role in strengthening democracy.

The Preemptive Task Force (Satgas) Binmas Sub-Satgas Operation Mantap Praja (OMP) Tinombala – 2024 continues to strive to improve security and public order (kamtibmas) appeals ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada stages in Tojo Una Una (Touna) Regency. Some time ago, the Head of the Binmas Sub-Task Force, Ipda Riono, together with members held meetings and face-to-face meetings with religious and community leaders in Uentanaga Bawah Village and Dondo Village, Ratolindo District, Central Sulawesi

During the visit, Ipda Riono accompanied by members held a friendly meeting with the Ratolindo Central Sulawesi Religious Figure, Ustad Muhamad Hamdi and community leader Mr Jamal as part of efforts to create safe and peaceful conditions ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.

Ipda Riono explained that this gathering aims to create a conducive social security and social security situation at every stage of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. Apart from that, the gathering also provides the public with an understanding of the stages and process of the Pilkada and the importance of maintaining order and security during the process.

Ipda Riono hopes that this activity can increase public awareness regarding the importance of maintaining security and social order and actively participating in the democratic process. With active participation, it is hoped that safe and successful regional elections can be achieved in Touna Regency, Central Sulawesi.

This moment will strengthen cooperation between the police, community and religious leaders to jointly maintain the security and social security situation during the Pilkada stages, in order to create a conducive and peaceful atmosphere in Tojo Una Una Regency.

In other areas, the Indramayu Police Chief, AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo, delivered various important messages regarding security and public order (Kamtibmas), accompanied by the Deputy Chief of the Indramayu Police, Kompol Ryan Faisal, and other police officials. The Police Chief emphasized the importance of synergy between the National Police and the community in maintaining security ahead of the regional elections.

Indramayu Police Chief, AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo, highlighted several main issues, including the National Police’s readiness to support the 2024 regional elections. According to him, cooperation with various elements of society is needed to ensure security is maintained.

Approaching the 2024 regional elections, Indramayu Police Chief, AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo, invited all elements of society, especially the important role of religious figures, to maintain conduciveness and harmony. Differences in choices in regional elections are normal, but they should not break unity and mutual cooperation. The Police Chief invites all parties to realize peaceful and happy regional elections.

Apart from that, religious figures can also provide education to the public regarding the importance of peaceful elections, namely by conveying moral messages that remind people of their responsibility in choosing good leaders. Building a better understanding of the democratic process will enable people to be wiser in making their choices.

One concrete step that religious leaders can take is holding public meetings or discussions. In this forum, religious leaders can invite the public to talk about the importance of maintaining security and order during the regional elections. Through open dialogue, people can express their opinions and concerns, which in turn can prevent misinformation and rumors that can trigger conflict.

Religious figures also play a role in monitoring the running of the regional elections. They can collaborate with election supervisors to ensure that the election process takes place honestly and transparently. With this active involvement, religious figures become not only spiritual leaders but also agents of change who fight for justice.

The role of religious figures in maintaining regional election security is also related to efforts to prevent fake news or hoaxes. By providing accurate information and responding to developing issues, religious figures can help reduce confusion and fear in society. This is important to maintain public confidence in the election process.

Apart from that, collaboration between religious leaders and security agencies is also very necessary. By working together, preventive steps will be realized to overcome potential vulnerabilities. Regular meetings between religious leaders and the police, for example, can help in developing strategies to maintain security during regional elections.

Overall, the role of religious figures in realizing safe regional elections is very important. Through active involvement, education and collaboration, it can certainly help create an atmosphere of peace and harmony. With the support of religious figures, it is hoped that the Pilkada will not only be a place to elect leaders, but also a means to strengthen national unity and integrity.

)*The author is a Bandung student living in Indramayu

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