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Returning to Lead PB ESI, These are Kabin Budi Gunawan’s Achievements in the Previous Management


 JAKARTA – Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Police General Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, SH, M.Sc., Ph.D., PSM was re-elected as the leader of the Indonesian Esports Executive Board (PB ESI) for the 2024-2028 period. This trust is inseparable from a number of achievements that PB ESI has made in the previous management.

The appointment of Budi Gunawan as the next chairman was announced after a series of processes in the National Sports Conference and the PB ESI National Coordination Meeting on Sunday (6/10). In his speech, Budi Gunawan mentioned a number of Indonesian E-Sport achievements at the national and international levels.

At the national level, the 64-year-old man is proud that the development of the Indonesian esports organization and ecosystem has a management team of 9,280 people from the central level to the district level. 

“We have also included e-sports in Law Number 11 of 2022 concerning sports as an acknowledgement that e-sports is a branch of competitive sports,” he said.

With this provision, E-Sports is believed to be one of the sports branches at the National Paralympic Week (Peparnas) in the city of Solo, Central Java on October 6-13, 2024. This indicates that E-Sports is increasingly in demand by all groups.

“This means that in e-sports, anyone, with any condition, has an equal opportunity to excel and compete,” he continued.

In the international field, PB ESI is the only official e-sports parent organization that represents Indonesia in the international e-sports federation. According to Budi Gunawan, this is the result of the hard work of Indonesian E-sports diplomacy, which is increasingly recognized as a Global power.

The achievement received great appreciation from the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI). According to the Deputy Chairman 3 of KONI, Major General TNI Ret. Andri Sutarno, PBESI’s achievement under the leadership of General Budi Gunawan became the early history of the progress of E-Sports in the country.

“I express my highest appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Budi Gunawan and his staff, especially the Indonesian Sport Executive Board for the first term of office. Who have greatly advanced the history of sports in the country,” said Andri Sutarno.

Expert Staff for Sports Culture of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ir. Hamka Hendra Noer, M.Si. also appreciated the management of PB ESI which can be seen from the achievements of the Indonesian E-Sport National Team (Timnas). He hopes that E-Sport in Indonesia will be increasingly successful and be reckoned with in the world.

“We express our deepest gratitude for the proud achievements made by the Indonesian national esports team under the management of PB ESI 2020-2024 led by retired police general, professor doctor Budi Gunawan,” he said.

As is known, in the first period of management, the achievements of the E-Sport National Team recorded a number of achievements in major international events. Starting from contributing 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze at the SEA Games Hanoi, Vietnam in 2021, becoming the overall champion at the 2022 IESF world championship in Bali, and contributing 3 gold and 2 silver at the 2023 Cambodia SEA Games.

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