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Strengthen Joint Commitment for the Realization of Peaceful Regional Elections in 2024


By: Arzan Malik Narendra )*

The 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) is getting closer, and the issues surrounding it are starting to become the main focus. Therefore, awareness is needed from all parties to re-strengthen the commitment to realizing the 2024 Peaceful Pilkada.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has given his views on this matter and emphasized that the phenomenon is part of the democratic process that must be accepted by all parties. In the context of dynamic democracy, peaceful regional elections are a must that must be maintained by all elements of the nation.

The phenomenon of empty boxes in the Pilkada may sound worrying to some people, especially those who question the quality of democracy in the country. However, Jokowi firmly asserted that this phenomenon is not a sign of weakness, but rather a reflection of the mechanism of democracy itself.

The President said that the existence of empty boxes in the Pilkada remains part of the democratic process. With many Pilkada held in various regions of Indonesia, 41 regions are facing this situation. For him, this phenomenon is part of the dynamics of democracy that must be accepted openly.

As a democratic country, Indonesia has gone through various challenges and political dynamics that have changed. The empty box phenomenon seems to be a reminder that democracy does not always run perfectly, but still has a strong mechanism to ensure its sustainability.

Pilkada is one real manifestation of people’s participation in choosing their leaders, and the empty box is an option for those who feel that there are no candidates who are able to represent their aspirations. At the local level, such as districts and cities, the empty box may reflect the dissatisfaction of some voters with the existing candidates.

However, this is also proof that Indonesian democracy is mature enough to accept the fact that every voter has the right to make their choice, including not choosing an existing candidate. Pilkada with an empty box is not the end of democracy, but rather part of a long journey towards a more mature system.

Meanwhile, in Central Sulawesi, the local Regional Police (Polda) collaborated with various elements of society and stakeholders to initiate a peaceful Pilkada declaration. This effort aims to ensure that the 2024 Pilkada takes place safely, orderly, and conducively.

Central Sulawesi Police Chief, Inspector General Agus Nugroho, said that the essence of the Pilkada is to create a government based on the will of the people and uphold the principles of democracy. This is crucial in realizing a government that truly represents the aspirations of the people, not just a tool of power for a handful of political elites.

In this peaceful Pilkada declaration, Inspector General of Police Agus Nugroho reminded the importance of active participation of all parties, including religious figures, traditional figures, academics, youth organizations, and the media, in disseminating messages of peace.

He emphasized that the success of the Pilkada is not only measured by the final results, but also by the process which must be honest, fair, and safe. The National Police, as the vanguard in maintaining security and order, is committed to overseeing the Pilkada process comprehensively in Central Sulawesi.

The 2024 Pilkada is not only the responsibility of the organizers and prospective leaders, but also all elements of society. Active participation from various groups is the key to the success of a peaceful and dignified Pilkada.

At the local level, the commitment to maintaining security and order, as initiated by the Central Sulawesi Regional Police, is a concrete example of how all elements of society can work together.

The importance of public participation in the Pilkada cannot be ignored. With the support of various community leaders, ranging from religious leaders, traditional leaders, to academics, it is hoped that a deeper awareness of democracy can be created among the community.

The presence of media and youth organizations is also an important factor in conveying objective and impartial information, so that society can make intelligent decisions in choosing leaders.

Meanwhile, the Regional Police Chief also emphasized the importance of Pancasila values ​​in every stage of the Pilkada. Pancasila as the ideological foundation of the state must be the basis for every political process, including in the implementation of the Pilkada. Without awareness of these values, it is feared that the Pilkada could be trapped in practices that damage democracy, such as money politics, intimidation, or violence.

The 2024 Pilkada is a momentum to build new hopes. However, this hope can only be realized if the Pilkada process runs peacefully and fairly. An empty box may reflect limitations in our democratic process, but that is not a reason to be pessimistic. Instead, we must continue to strive to improve our democratic system to be more inclusive and representative.

A shared commitment from all parties to maintain peace and order during the Pilkada is the main key to realizing a healthy democracy. As stated by the Central Sulawesi Police Chief, the success of the Pilkada is not only determined by the final result, but by how the process is carried out. This is our shared responsibility as a sovereign nation that upholds democracy.

Let us make the 2024 Pilkada a dignified event, where every vote is valued and every step is taken with integrity. By upholding the values ​​of Pancasila and the spirit of unity, we can create a peaceful Pilkada and bring new hope for the future of the nation.

)* The author is a contributor to the Nusa Cyber ​​Institute

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