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Successfully Producing High-Achieving E-Sport Athletes, KaBIN Budi Gunawan Returns to Lead PB ESI


 JAKARTA – Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) General of Police (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, SH, M.Sc., Ph.D., PSM has been officially trusted again to lead the Indonesian E-Sports Executive Board (PB ESI) for the 2024-2028 period. This trust is inseparable from his success in producing the best talents who excel.

This is the 64-year-old’s second term as general chairman after previously leading in 2020 – 2024. This appointment was announced after a series of processes in the National Sports Conference and National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) of PB ESI on Sunday (6/10).

In the previous management, Budi Gunawan has accommodated young talents who like to play games. Through a good management organization and seriousness in developing E-Sports, PB ESI has created a number of athlete development programs and sports achievements.

“The management has created an e-sports academy for junior high, high school, and college levels with Garudaku Academy. Currently, there are 84 high schools with e-sports extracurricular activities and 19 universities with e-sports SMEs. Which will be a favorite extracurricular activity for gen-z and gen-alpha,” said Budi Gunawan in his speech.

The development of young talents does not stop there, PB ESI also provides a place to compete starting from league 3, league 2, and the national e-sports league; PON Papua and PON Aceh-Sumut; as well as the 2022 World e-sports tournament from 110 countries. Not to forget, PB ESI also fosters game equipment such as coaches and referees.

“We have created training for national-scale accredited coaches and referees. Currently, we have 73 referees and 123 e-sports coaches accredited to the international level,” he continued.

Due to this seriousness, Deputy Chairman 3 of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Major General TNI Ret. Andri Sutarno considered it a brilliant achievement of PB ESI in the previous management. Andri also hopes that this achievement can be continued and improved in the next period.

“With this Rakornas, I hope there will be an evaluation so that Indonesia can achieve more in addition to improving the country’s e-sports industry. The Munas that has been held is expected to produce a management that can continue Indonesia’s e-sports achievements,” he said at the same event.

The same thing was also conveyed by the Expert Staff for Sports Culture of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ir. Hamka Hendra Noer, M.Si. He acknowledged that the achievements of the previous management could make Indonesia proud in the eyes of the international community.

“We express our deepest gratitude for the proud achievements that have been made,” he said.

As is known, in the previous management, the achievements of the E-Sport National Team recorded a number of achievements in major international events. Starting from contributing 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze at the SEA Games Hanoi, Vietnam in 2021, becoming the overall champion at the 2022 IESF world championship in Bali, and contributing 3 gold and 2 silver at the 2023 Cambodia SEA Games.

For these achievements, the athletes do not only receive temporary material appreciation. As a future support, PB ESI provides athletes with the opportunity to participate in the Civil Servant Candidate Program (CPNS) from the government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

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